Indonesia: Anarchist Solidarity from Yogyakarta and Surabaya with Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman!

Solidarity Action Group of Indonesia and Australia

Anarchist Solidarity from Yogyakarta and Surabaya with Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman!

International Anarchist Solidarity with Antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman from the Solidarity Action Group of Indonesia and Australia. Comrade Jock recently completed a 33 day hunger strike in protest against the conditions of his imprisonment and ongoing harassment from prison authorities for his work with the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association. Jock is serving a 20 year prison sentence for defending 2 Roma boys and himself from a racist mob. Free Jock! Long live the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association.


Based on discussions between individuals and collectives from both countries, it has been established that the need for an inter-anarchist / anti-authoritarian / autonomous solidarity network in Indonesia and Australia is important for the following reasons:

1. Geographical proximity of both countries enables the establishment of a strong solidarity network. This solidarity network will be urgently needed in the event of State repression against the anarchist movement in either countries.

2. This solidarity is also a shared learning tool of mutual benefit opening up the possibility of collaborative workshops and other activities that can benefit the anarchist movement.

3. Considering the need to “decolonize” the rebellion, this group also took the initiative to bridge the common understanding of each location.*

This solidarity group does not limit itself to just Australia and Indonesia, but is open to autonomous and anarchist revolutionaries around Southeast / East Asia and countries that are close geographically.**

Long Live Solidarity! Long Live Insurrection!

Solidarity Action Group of Indonesia and Australia

Solidaritas Aksi Indonesia dan Australia

*While we recognize that Indonesia and Australia are both colonial powers we also recognize how Australia wields far more power both economically and socially as a white settler colonialist nation and how this adversely affects regional interactions.

**This solidarity network is a non-sectarian anarchist group that is open to all genuine tendencies of anarchism.


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This entry was posted on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 at 10:46 pm and is filed under Prison Struggle.