(A-Radio Berlin) The Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2018 in Novi Sad, Serbia

The 12th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair took place in Novi Sad, Serbia from 28th to 30th of September, 2018. The Balkan. Every year the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) takes place in a different city across the Balkans and is organized by a local collective with an aim to connect local, regional, as well as the international anarchist community.

A-Radio Berlin had the chance to talk with some of the organizers of
this 12th BAB about the event, its trajectory and perspective for the
future, as well as the experiences of anarchist organizing in Serbia and the Balkans.

You can find out more about BAB here https://bask2018.noblogs.org/

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Length: 19 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

Among our last audios you can find:
* An interview on the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist
Prisoners 2018:
* An anarchist perspective on the last Chaos Communication Congress 2017 in Germany (December 2017):
* An intro audio to the hungerstrike of Mapuche Political Prisoners in the Iglesias Case in Chile:
* An interview on Charlottesville, the murder of Heather Heyer and
antifascist perspectives:

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: We are now on Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings – in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at



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This entry was posted on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 at 1:30 pm and is filed under Autonomy.