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(en) Czech, afed.cz: A3: What do you want from Europe?

Date Sat, 1 Jun 2019 08:48:56 +0300

What do we think of the outcome of the European Parliament elections? Nothing new. Our demand remains the world without rulers and parliaments. Download, print and distribute the May issue of the A3 wall newspaper! ---- So they were once again a European election. On the one hand, the media are crying that they have weakened the "left and right sides", but they are reassuring that the expected invasion of fascons into the European Parliament has not taken place. We are pleased that the dictators' candidates have not yet been elected. ---- We would like to remind you that the anarchists and anarchists do not really care which handle will govern. It's like choosing between one in eighteen and one without two in twenty. Though, in fact, without those open dictators, he does breathe a little more freely. As a result, it does not change much, anyway we are forced to devote our lives to the altar of the labor market regardless of our own desires, desires and needs. Regardless of who is sitting in deputies' benches, whether state or European, the rules have long been imposed on us, and either you play them, chase after every crown and consume what you put under your nose or you can piss on the street.

For us it is important that we can live better. We do not want to do meaningless and useless work for bare survival and get ridiculously low wages for it. We do not want commercialized education and privatized health care or constant price increases. We do not want neoliberal economic reforms that only benefit large-scale capitalists, bankers, and the like. We do not intimidate the police or dominate officials. What are our choices, where "left and right center", canned, populist, and nationalists are fighting for who will eventually pull us out of the skin? We want to live with dignity. Governments and parliaments, which will not allow us to do so, have to resign, dissolve and drag.

Representative democracy with its elections (and the screams that there should be a voter between them), with its presidents, governments and parliaments, cannot and does not want to solve our problems. The only interests they deal with are their own, their "contacts" and some invisible "markets" that argue at any time when they take us to the mouth. How many times have we heard that "markets" could turn away, lose confidence, feel our uncompetitiveness, etc.? Everything for the well-being of those who are already experiencing it. Let them down below. After all, they're used to it and they just go.

We answer it: Fuck! For us, politicians at any level do not have the right to make decisions and speak for us. For we know what they are most afraid of: that we can take our lives into our own hands, organize ourselves without their parasitic mediation, decide for themselves, that is, fill the word of democracy with its true content.

And what is our relationship to the idea of a united Europe? During the EU accession referendum, we recalled that it is primarily a business and bureaucratic project. On the other hand, we are internationalists and claim to be a universal equality of all human beings, regardless of color, alleged nationality, sexual orientation, gender... We are for cutting the borders. But the EU is being built as an umbrella for transnational capital centered in power centers across the continent. The abolition of internal borders is just a façade that will stop flashing with the advent of border controls to defend potentate summits against angry plebs. The external border is strengthened to release wealth, but to prevent those who have been prepared for it from entering.

The alternative is not to strengthen the nation states, which are called by modern fascists and billionaires, consolidating political and economic power within particular states. Significantly, for their weapon they choose to spread hatred against other people, usually minorities who do not have the power to defend themselves, and, on the other hand, do not question what depreciates our lives most - capitalism.

We are foreign to local power and superpower ambitions. We know that the call for national unity was always just a way to fool the workers and other unprivileged people to go hand in hand with the interests of those above. As part of this logic, as in 2008, we will have to keep the taxes of the big banks alive and turn away from the people who liquidate the execution mafia. Our earth is the planet Earth and our neighbors are everyone who does not oppress others and does not benefit from their lives.

A3 ( May 2019) download HERE . http://www.afed.cz/A3/A3-2019-05.pdf

Download, print, spread!

The A3 Wall Paper is published every month by the Anarchist Federation. They are mainly intended for dissemination via street stickers or posting in workplaces and schools.

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