Anarcho's blog

New Book: “Our Masters Are Helpless” by George Barrett

As usual, apologies for lack of blogging. As usual I have been somewhat busy. As well as the usual, namely working for a living and family live, I have various projects on the go. I did make a list of everything I was or wanted to work on, which came to over 20 items (and that is excluding sub-items).

A Libertarian Reader Update

First, I’ve been busy working on two talks – one in Glasgow and another in Edinburgh. I’ve posted a couple of new articles: Precursors of Syndicalism II (on the I.W.P.A. and the “Chicago Idea”) and a review of Rupturing the Dialectic by Harry Cleaver. In addition, I added something to the AFAQ blog on The Symbols of Anarchy, revisited and something on the Proudhon blog entitled Hal Draper on Proudhon: the anatomy of a smear.

A few more Marxist myths

Since last blogging, I've been concentrating on my two talks. Both were well attended (beyond official capacity) and seemed to go down well, although obviously the audience decides that. I tried to get too much in the first talk, but then I had to cover a lot of ground (maybe in ten libertarians would have been better?). Still, it was nice to go through such important activists and thinkers – particularly women libertarians, as these are often overlooked (which was why the Five Leaves people wanted it organised).

Talks: The Meaning of Anarchism (Nottingham, 28/01/19 and 04/02/19)

Before giving the details of my forthcoming talks I need to mention a few things.

Propertarianism and Fascism plus book launch (Nottingham, 17/11/2018)

First off, as part of the Second Nottingham Radical Bookfair, I will be marking the publication by AK Press of the last book Peter Kropotkin published in his lifetime, Modern Science and Anarchy (1913):

Kropotkin: “Anarchists and Unions” (1907)

Well, there has been no blogging for a bit – been far too busy, both at work and on various projects. My A Libertarian Reader is coming together, although currently I’m trudging through the corrections to my introduction to PM Press' new edition of Voline's The Unknown Revolution. They change-tracked everything – so thousands upon thousands of minor changes to accept/reject. Not fun. I have managed to post two articles.

Why Thanos (and Malthus) is wrong

Sorry for the lack of blogging and articles, but have been somewhat busy. First, I had to prepare a talk on the 1848 Revolution (which I now need to write up).

Kropotkin’s "Modern Science and Anarchy" published

I am happy to announce that the final book published in Kropotkin’s lifetime – Modern Science and Anarchy – is now available in English translation, namely 1913's La Science Moderne et L’Anarchie. I would like to thank the comrades of AK Press for this finally happen, 105 years in the making. More details can be found on the UK and USA AK Press webpages.

On not voting (Kropotkin: The Trade Union Congress)

I have been very busy of late, hence the lack of blogging. I had talks in Glasgow and Edinburgh prepare and do. I had a (long) introduction to the new PM Press edition of Voline’s The Unknown Revolution to write (30, 000 words). I’ve suggested a book idea to Freedom Press. I also had a few Proudhon related things to do. Finally, a “new” Kropotkin article.

Ursula Le Guin and utopia (and Kropotkin on Edward Bellamy)

Sad news – Ursula Le Guin has died, aged 88. First Iain Banks, now Le Guin. So somewhat sad. She was a great writer, one of the best ever. Needless to say, she was my favourite SF writer. Her alien worlds were, well, alien. Her characters, actual people and not cyphers. Her message, humane, egalitarian, feminist, libertarian. She will be missed – but her writings will endure.


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