not anarchist

American anarchist 'John Galton' shot dead in Acapulco

  • Posted on: 3 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From The Washington Times by Amy Guthrie - Associated Press - Sunday, February 3, 2019

MEXICO CITY — An American anarchist who went by the name John Galton was shot dead at his home in the Mexican resort of Acapulco, sending shivers through a tightknit anti-establishment community of expatriates that organizes events in the violence-torn retreat with seminars on topics such as how to make money via cryptocurrencies.

TOTW: What "Not Anarchists" Influence Your Anarchy?

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

Anarchists have never existed in a vacuum. We are a part of the world we live in as much as we might want to destroy that world. We interact with the (not anarchist) world in ways that both influence it and are influenced by it. While this is true on every level of day-today life, it is especially true in how we engage with writing and thinking from outside anarchist spheres.