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Jello Biafra - In The Grip Of Official Treason Album Cover

Win­ston Smith designed the album cover for In the Grip of Offi­cial Trea­son, the ninth spo­ken word album from Jello Biafra. Released by Alter­na­tive Tentacles.


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Amer­i­can Hard­core: The His­tory of Punk Rock 1980–1986 is a doc­u­men­tary directed by Paul Rach­man and writ­ten by Steven Blush released on Sep­tem­ber 22, 2006.

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Fish Karma Theory Of Intelligent Design album cover by Winston Smith, 2006

Win­ston Smith designed the album cover to The The­ory of Intel­li­gent Design, the sev­enth album from Fish Karma. Released by Alter­na­tive Ten­ta­cles.

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