Friday May 31st 2019

NSK Rendez-Vous Grenoble

by on Sep.21, 2018, under NSK State

From October 11th to 14th, le Ciné-Club de Grenoble, in partnership with Association pour l’Agencement des Activités and Unpass, invite you to the NSK Rendez-Vous Grenoble, the quirkyfestival which pays tribute to the NSK movement.

Influenced by DADA, historical avant-garde and punk movements, NSK questions art, politics and propaganda through artistic subversion. NSK is still a major source of inspiration and study on contemporary society. A driving force of creativity and provocation, NSK gives a clear portrait of modern Europe.

After its initial success in 2016, NSK Rendez-Vous Grenoble comes back to share unique moments and activities with exciting international artists.

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Third NSK State Folk Art Biennale Program

by on Jun.14, 2018, under NSK State

3rd NSK State Folk Art Biennale Program of Events

THURSDAY, June 14, 2018

19:00 OPENING of the exhibition with introductory speeches:
Mag. Zoran Poznic, director of DDT
Lili Anamarija No
Alexander Nym

Dance performance: Julia Kaja Hrovat (video), Gea Erjavec (dance)

Performance: Berthold Schymura

Awarding a special prize
IRWIN: Roman Uranjek

21:00 Projection of the documentary film: Music is a temporal art 3: LAIBACH, 52 min (with English subtitles)
director Igor Zupa
Jani Novak – Laibach

FRIDAY, 15.6. 2018

11:00 Bus tour through Trbovlje – Mag. Zoran Poznic, director of DDT

16:00 – 19:55 Symposium: RETROPOLIS TRBOVLJE Alexei Monroe; Cultural Theorist, United Kingdom Conor McGrady; dean Burren College of Art, Ireland Charles Lewis; NSK State Reserve, USA

SATURDAY, 16.6. 2018

12:00 Guided tour of the Virtulan Museum of Mining – 4. DRITL POPOLDNE


Picnic on Kum +

performance: Johanna May Schmidt

concert: Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg

SUNDAY, 17.6. 2018

14:30 Film: VICTORY OF REASON (SIEG DER VERNUNFT directed by Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg), 154 min

18:00 Documentary film: TIME FOR A NEW STATE -1.kongres of citizens of the NSK State (directed by: Igor Zupe), 65 min

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3rd NSK State Folk Art Biennale – Call for Artists

by on Apr.24, 2018, under NSK State


The NSK State Folk Art Biennale will return for its third incarnation June 14th-17th in the industrial homeland of NSK, Trbovlje, Slovenia.

After successful events in Leipzig, Germany, and Ireland the tradition will continue with Retropolis Trbovlje, where citizens of the NSK State will bring their own contributions to this artistic identity. (continue reading…)

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NSK STATE SARAJEVO at History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

by on Apr.03, 2018, under Events, Exhibitions, NSK State

Sarajevo and Laibach have particularly strong connection, which is mostly reflected by the fact that Laibach is one of the groups that had a concert in besieged Sarajevo – on the same date when the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement was held. More than two decades after the “Historical Concert” History Museum of BiH opened the 1995 Laibach Concert Story that was presented as “NSK State Sarajevo” exhibition. The story of the concert is told via exlusive photographs made by Zoran Kanlić, testimonies and documents of citizens of Sarajevo.

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NSK State in Time – A transnational heterotopia?

by on Oct.23, 2017, under Articles

Laibach Reproduction Prohibited


Dear NSK citizens,

My name is Moritz Bühler and I’m studying geography in Mainz, Germany. I decided to write an exam about the NSK State in Time and its relationship towards other spaces and states. Especially the possibility of the NSK State to reflect, represent and invert conventional spaces is what I’m interested in.

I decided to analyze this topic with the help of theory established and developed by Michel Foucault: Heterotopias. In a short sentence: Heterotopias are places, which are connected to all other places by reflecting, representing or inverting them, and they have a special function that can change during the time. For me it looks like an interesting and possible perspective because of the transnational, immaterial or just temporal materialized characteristics as well as playing with these dystopian and totalitaristic structures.

Therefore I’m searching for interview partners to get the point of view of a citizen. The interviews will be via skype. If somebody is interested just send me an email:, I can also send you my thesis if you want. It’s not that I´m searching for experts, it will be a qualitative interview were we just talk about your experiences, impressions…

Best regards,

Moritz Bühler

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NSK State artists at OSTRALE – Biennale of Contemporary Arts, Dresden

by on Aug.06, 2017, under Exhibitions

NSK State artists at OSTRALE - Biennale of Contemporary Arts, Dresden

NSK State artists at OSTRALE - Biennale of Contemporary Arts, Dresden

11th International Exhibition, 28.7. – 01.10.2017 Dresden

OSTRALE – Biennale is the third largest exhibition for contemporary art in Germany. (continue reading…)

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