Partisan · Patriotic · Internationalist
Páirtíneach · Tírghrách · Idirnáisiúnach

The Communist Party of Ireland is an all-​Ireland Marxist party founded in 1933. Its aim is to win the sup­port of the majority of the Irish people for ending the capital­ist system and for build­ing social­ism—a social system in which the means of pro­duc­tion, distri­bu­tion and exchange are publicly owned and utilised for the benefit of the whole people. Páirtí Marxach uile-Éireann a bunaíodh sa bhliain 1933 is ea Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann. Is é aidhm an pháirtí tacaíocht thromlach mhuintir na hÉireann a bhaint amach do dheireadh a chur leis an gcóras caipitleach agus do thógáil an tsóisialachais—córas sóisialta ina bhfuil na córacha táirgthe, dáileacháin agus malairte i seilbh an phobail agus ina n-úsáidtear iad ar mhaithe leis an bpobal iomlán.

Béal Feirste


Baile Átha Cliath


The Irish Spark podcast

Connolly Youth Movement
Ógra Uí Chonaíle

Solidnet—the inter­national solidarity network

Connolly Media Group


 From the May issue:
Vote left!

This month we face a number of electoral choices: local elections, elections for the EU Parliament, and a proposed amendment to the Constitution . . . Many independents are running on a platform of dealing with homelessness, attempting to establish a public profile for future Dáil elections. Few of these independents will have any real political influence if elected. In many ways this is a reflection of how deeply neo-liberal ideology has penetrated the left.  Continue | Ar aghaidh

News Nuacht

Elections show the political stability of the system
If the working class is to advance its own class interests, more than elections or electoral strategies are required, the CPI has said in a statement.
Taispeánann na toghcháin cobhsaíocht pholaitiúil an chórais
Má tá an aicme oibre chun a leas aicmeach féin a chur chun cinn, tá níos mó ná toghcháin ná straitéisí toghcháin de dhíth, a deir an CPI i ráiteas.

James Connolly Commemoration, 2019
On Sunday 12 May the Commun­ist Party of Ireland and the Connolly Youth Move­ment held their annual com­memor­ation at James Connolly’s grave in Arbour Hill, Dublin. Orations were given by Laura Duggan (National Execu­­tive Com­­mittee, CPI), Azzy O’Connor (national chair­person, CYM), and Tommy McKearney (Peadar O’Donnell Social­­ist Repub­lican Forum).
Cuimhneachán Shéamais Uí Chonaíle, 2019
Dé Domhnaigh 12 Bealtaine d’eagraigh Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann agus Ógra Uí Chonaíle a gcuimhneachán bliantúil cois uaigh Shéamais Uí Chonaíle i gCnoc na Plásóige, Baile Átha Cliath. Rinne Laura Duggan (Coiste Feidhmiúcháin Náisiúnta, CPI), Azzy O’Connor (cathaoirleach náisiúnta, CYM) agus Tommy McKearney (Fóram Sóisialach Poblachtach Pheadair Uí Dhónaill) óráidí.

James Connolly Memorial Lecture
On Saturday 11 May the James Connolly Memorial Lecture, 2019, was given by Prof. Kathleen Lynch (School of Social Justice, UCD) on the theme “The struggle for equality: Can a capital­ist system ever provide true equality?”

Léacht Cuimhneacháin Shéamais Uí Chonaíle
Dé Sathairn 11 Bealtaine thug an tOllamh Kathleen Lynch (Scoil na Córa Sóisialta, UCD) Léacht Chuimhneacháin Shéamais Uí Chonaíle, 2019, ar an ábhar “The struggle for equality: Can a capital­ist system ever provide true equality?”

James Connolly Festival, 2019
The first event of this year’s festival was held on Tuesday 7 May on the theme “Workers’ struggle against racism and fascism in the 21st century,” sponsored by Irish Spark Podcast. The speakers were Bulelani Mfaco (direct-provision activist), Rafaela Ferracuti (Brazilian Left Front), and Manoj Mannath (Kranthi—the Indian workers’ cultural and politi­cal organisation).
Féile Shéamais Uí Chonaíle, 2019
Tionóladh céad imeacht na féile i mbliana Dé Máirt 7 Bealtaine. Ba é “Workers’ struggle against racism and fascism in the 21st century” an téama, agus rinne an Irish Spark Podcast urraíocht ar an gcruinniú. Mar chainteoirí bhí Bulelani Mfaco (gníomhaí soláthar díreach), Rafaela Ferracuti (Fronta Brasaíleach na hEite Clé), agus Manoj Mannath (Kranthi—eagraíocht cultúrtha agus polaitíochta na n‑oibrithe Indiacha).

Bulelani Mfaco, Rafaela Ferracuti, Manoj Mannath, James Callaghan (Irish Spark Podcast)
The second event of the festival, on Wednesday 8 May, was the Irish premiere of Dennis Skinner: Nature of the Beast (2017), directed by Daniel Draper, a docu­mentary about the life of the English social­ist, trade union­ist and Labour MP Dennis Skinner. After the show­ing there was a Q&A and panel discus­sion with Allan Melia (producer and cinema­tographer), presented by Emmet Kirwan.Tionóladh dara hócáid na féile Dé Céadaoin 8 Bealtaine. Ba í an chéad taispeáint in Éirinn de Dennis Skinner: Nature of the Beast (2017), a stiúir Daniel Draper, scannán faisnéise faoi shaol Dennis Skinner, sóisialaí, ceard­chumannaí agus feisire Sasanach. Tar éis na taispeána bhí seisiún ceisteanna agus freagraí ann mar aon le díospóireacht phainéil le hAllan Melia (léiritheoir agus cineamata­grafadóir), arna gcur i láthair ag Emmet Kirwan.

Allan Melia, Emmet Kirwan
On Thursday 9 May, Hugo René Ramos Milanés (ambas­sador of Cuba in Ireland), Dr Moataz Khalifa (Communist Party of Sudan) and Eugene McCartan (general secre­tary, CPI) spoke on the theme “The world is in a state of chassis . . . Why?” The meet­ing was chaired by Laura Duggan (National Execu­tive Com­mittee, CPI).Déardaoin 9 Bealtaine labhair Hugo René Ramos Milanés (ambasadóir Chúba in Éirinn), an Dr Moataz Khalifa (Páirtí Cumannach na Súdáine) agus Eugene McCartan (ard­rúnaí, CPI) ar an ábhar “The world is in a state of chassis . . . Why?” Ba í Laura Duggan (Coiste Feidhmiúcháin Náisiúnta, CPI) cathaoirleach an chruinnithe.

Hugo René Ramos Milanés, Laura Duggan, Soraya Torres Jaime, Eugene McCartan, Moataz Khalifa
On Friday 10 May, Clare Daly TD, Fatin al-Tamimi (Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Cam­paign), Lorraine O’Connor (Muslim Sisters of Éire) and Emily Waszak (Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Repro­­duc­tive Justice) spoke at a packed meet­ing on the theme “Women, power and politics in the 21st century.” The meeting was chaired by Michelle Connolly (Dublin Central Housing Action).Dé hAoine 10 Bealtaine labhair Clare Daly TD, Fatin al-Tamimi (Feachtas na hÉireann um Dhlúth­pháirtíocht leis an bPalaistín), Lorraine O’Connor (Deirfiúracha Moslamacha na hÉireann) agus Emily Waszak (Imircigh agus Mionlaigh Eitneacha ar son Cóir Atáirgthe) ag cruinniú plódaithe ar an ábhar “Women, power and politics in the 21st century.” Bhí Michelle Connolly (Beart Tithíochta Bhaile Átha Cliath Láir) sa chathaoir.

Clare Daly, Fatin al-Tamimi, Lorraine O’Connor, Michelle Connolly, Emily Waszak

May Day in Belfast
Lá Bealtaine i mBéal Feirste

May Day in Dublin
Lá Bealtaine i mBaile Átha Cliath

The killing of Lyra McKee
The CPI has strongly condemned the killing of Lyra McKee, a young journalist working and living in Derry, by the self-styled “New IRA.”

Marú Lyra McKee
Tá an CPI tar éis an “IRA Nua,” mar a ghlaonn siad orthu féin, a cháineadh go géar tar éis gur mharaigh siad Lyra McKee, iriseoir óg a d’oibrigh agus a chónaigh i nDoire.

Opening of new Connolly Centre
On Tuesday 16 April a new plaque and banner in honour of James Connolly were unveiled in the Sailor­town area of Belfast. On Friday the 19th April this banner led the parade to the open­ing of the new Connolly Interpre­tative Centre on the Falls Road. In attend­ance were several hundred trade unionists with their banners, includ­ing those of Belfast and Dublin Trades Councils, as well as a large con­tingent from the Connolly Youth Movement.

Oscailt Lárionad nua an Chonaíligh
Dé Máirt 16 Aibreán nochtadh plaic agus brat nua in onóir Shéamais Uí Chonaíle i gceantar Bhaile na Mairnéalach i mBéal Feirste. Dé hAoine an 19ú lá bhí an brat seo i gceann na paráide ag oscailt Lár­ionad Léir­mhínitheach nua an Chonaíligh ar Bhóthar na bhFál. I láthair bhí na céadta ceard­chumannaí lena mbrait, ina measc brait Chomhairlí Ceard­chumann Bhéal Feirste agus Bhaile Átha Cliath, chomh maith le buíon mór d’Ógra Uí Chonaíle.

Events Imeachtaí

 Dublin Baile Átha Cliath
 Saturday 1 June, 12:30 p.m.
Connolly Conversations
What is imperialism?
James Connolly House (43 East Essex Street)
To attend, send for details to

Satharn 1 Meitheamh, 12:30 i.n.
Connolly Conversations
What is imperialism?
Teach Shéamais Uí Chonaíle (43 Sráid Essex Thoir)
Le bheith i láthair, iarr sonraí ar

 Belfast Béal Feirste
 Friday 7 June, 12:30 p.m.
Panel discussion
Brexit, Borders and Beyond: Marxism as a Guide in Turbulent Times
Guest speakers: Costas Lapavitsas (profes­sor of econ­omics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, author of The Left Case Against the EU), Mary Davis (visit­ing profes­sor of labour history, Royal Holloway College, University of London, editor of Marx 200: The Signifi­cance of Marx­ism in the 21st Century), John Barry (profes­sor of green political economy, Queen’s University, Belfast, author of The Politics of Actually Exist­ing Un­sustainability).
Metropolitan Arts Centre (10 Exchange Street, West)

Organised by the School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences (Ulster University), Reclaim the Agenda, and Mick Fealty (Slugger O’Toole)

Aoine 7 Meitheamh, 12:30 i.n.
Díospóireacht phainéil
Brexit, Borders and Beyond: Marxism as a Guide in Turbulent Times
Aoichainteoirí: Costas Lapavitsas (ollamh le heacnamaíocht, Scoil um Staidéar Afraiceach agus Oirthearach, Ollscoil Londan, údar The Left Case Against the EU), Mary Davis (ollamh cuairte le stair an lucht oibre, Coláistre Ríoga Holloway, Ollscoil Londan, eagarthóir Marx 200: The Signifi­cance of Marx­ism in the 21st Century), John Barry (ollamh le heacnamíocht pholaitiúil ghlas, Ollscoil na Banríona, Béal Feirste, údar The Politics of Actually Existing Un­sustainability).
Metropolitan Arts Centre (10 Sráid an Mhalartáin, West)

Á eagrú ag Scoil na nEalaíon Sóisialta agus Beartas Feidhmeach (Ollscoil Uladh), Reclaim the Agenda, agus Mick Fealty (Slugger O’Toole)

 Dublin Baile Átha Cliath
 Saturday 8 June, 12:30 p.m.
Connolly Conversations
An introduction to the Communist Party of Ireland
Its history, its programme, and its strategy
James Connolly House (43 East Essex Street)
To attend, send for details to

Satharn 8 Meitheamh, 12:30 i.n.
Connolly Conversations
An introduction to the Communist Party of Ireland
A stair, a chlár, agus a straitéis
Teach Shéamais Uí Chonaíle (43 Sráid Essex Thoir)
Le bheith i láthair, iarr sonraí ar

 Belfast Béal Feirste
 Wednesday 12 June, 7:30 p.m.
The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists
One-man show by Neil Gore, based on the famous novel by Robert Tressell
Black Box (18 Hill Street)

Organised by Belfast and District Trades Union Council

Ceadaoin 12 Meitheamh, 7:30 i.n.
The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists
Seó aonair le Neil Gore, bunaithe ar an úrscéal cáiliúil le Robert Tressell

Black Box (18 Sráid an Chnoic)

Á eagrú ag Comhairle Ceardchumann Bhéal Feirste agus an Cheantair

 Dublin Baile Átha Cliath
 Thursday 13 June, 7:30 p.m.
The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists
One-man show by Neil Gore, based on the famous novel by Robert Tressell

Liberty Hall (Eden Quay)

Déardaoin 13 Meitheamh, 7:30 i.n.
The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists
Seó aonair le Neil Gore, bunaithe ar an úrscéal cáiliúil le Robert Tressell

Halla na Saoirse (Cé Eden)

 Kilcullen, Co. Kildare Cill Chuillinn, Co. Chill Dara
 Saturday 22 June, 7:30 p.m.
Commemorative plaque
to be unveiled by Christy Moore in honour of Frank Conroy, volunteer in the Spanish Anti-Fascist War
Kilcullen Heritage Centre (Main Street)

Satharn 22 Meitheamh, 7:30 i.n.
Plaic chuimhneacháin
le nochtadh ag Christy Moore, in ómós do Frank Conroy, óglach i gCogadh Frith­fhaisisteach na Spáinne
Lárionad Oidhreachta Chill Chuillinn (an tSráid Mhór)

Latest publications Foilseacháin is deireanaí

Breaking the Chains: Selected Writings of James Connolly on Women (2nd edition) · €8 (£7.50)

Greg Godels, The Russian Revolution and Its Continued Relevance: James Connolly Memorial Lecture, 2017 · €4 (£3.50)

The Challenge of Connolly: James Connolly Com­memor­ation, 2018 · €3.50 (£2.75)

Break the Connection with Imperialism: Documents of the 25th National Congress of the Communist Party of Ireland · €5 (£4.50)

Lynda Walker, Living in an Armed Patri­archy: Public Protest, Domestic Acqui­escence · €6 (£5)
From Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin D02 XH96. (Postage free within Ireland.)
From Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin D02 XH96. (Postas go haon áit in Éirinn saor in aisce.)

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Glac páirt sa choimhlint ar son an tsóisialachais! Téigh sa CPI.

Ba mhaith liom clárú Ba mhaith liom tuilleadh eolais

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