US & Canada

US immigration: Texas detention facility severely overcrowded

The US Department of Homeland Security recommends immediate action to relieve the severely overcrowded migrant detention facility.

US & Canada

US Spelling Bee: First 8 contenders share victory

Nearly 600 kids under the age of 15 took part in annual contest for the best young spellers in the US.


'The Ugly Americans': From Kermit Roosevelt to John Bolton

An 'Ugly American' is once again leading the resurgence of American imperialism.

Hamid Dabashi

by Hamid Dabashi

Hamid Dabashi

United States

Bandwidth battle groups divided on 5G satellite space

Government departments in the US are at odds over the introduction of 5G technology.

AJ Impact

Global stock markets lost $2 trillion in May

May was a rough month for global stocks. Worries about the US waging a second trade war pushed markets lower.

Global stock markets lost $2 trillion in May


Hezbollah chief warns war against Iran would 'engulf region'

Hassan Nasrallah's comments come as Arab leaders meet in Saudi Arabia to discuss Iran's growing influence.

Hezbollah chief warns war against Iran would 'engulf region'

AJ Impact

China raises tariffs on US goods as trade tensions rise

Tariffs of up to 25 percent on $60bn in US imported goods take effect on Saturday in retaliation for US measures.

Hitting back: More pain for firms as China's new tariffs kick in

US & Canada

Timeline: The deadliest mass shootings in the US

Three of the deadliest mass shootings in the US modern history have occurred since October 2017.

AJ Impact

Uber still chasing profitability as losses top $1bn

Even as a New York Stock Exchange listed company, Uber is still losing money.

Uber still chasing profitability as losses top $1bn


Which US states have recently passed abortion bans?

Where do the measures they stand? And what are the chances that the issue will make its way to the Supreme Court?

Which US states have recently passed abortion bans?


US: Missouri's only abortion clinic can stay open - for now

Judge issues temporary order ensuring the facility can stay open until another hearing is held next week.

US: Missouri's only abortion clinic can stay open - for now

AJ Impact

The US and Mexican economies: Interdependence by the numbers

The economies of the United States and Mexico have become intertwined. Throwing up trade barriers could harm both.

The US and Mexican economies: Interdependence by the numbers

US-Mexico border

Mexican president says country will 'overcome' Trump threats

Lopez Obrador says Mexico will respond with 'great prudence' to Trump's threat to impose tariffs on Mexican goods.

Mexican president says country will 'overcome' Trump threats


US: Missouri's only abortion clinic may have to close at midnight

Judge to decide whether to grant order allowing the clinic to stay open after officials refused to renew its licence.

US: Missouri's only abortion clinic may have to close at midnight

Julian Assange

Assange showing symptoms of 'psychological torture': UN

Statement accuses the US, UK, Sweden and Ecuador of "ganging up" on Assange to "isolate, demonise and abuse" him.

Assange showing symptoms of 'psychological torture': UN