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'One dead as shots fired' at Sudan protestersAt least 10 others wounded after security forces open fire near protest site in Khartoum, a doctors' committee said.

           Democratic Republic of the Congo

'Father of democracy': DRC's Etienne Tshisekedi laid to rest   by Patricia Huon

         25:40  Inside Story

Is Sudan's military prepared to give up power?   by Inside Story


Defiant demonstrators vow to continue Khartoum sit-in       Democratic Republic of the Congo

'The King of Kinshasa': Tshisekedi lies in state in DRC         AJ Impact31 May 2019 20:09 GMT

African Union launches powerful new single trading marketImpacting more than 1 billion people, the new trade deal will spur economic growth and innovation on the continent.

       Middle East31 May 2019 13:33 GMT

Sudan army says protest site a threat, closes Al Jazeera officeMilitary rulers warn action to be taken against 'unruly elements' at Khartoum sit-in, main point of protest movement.

       Africa31 May 2019 13:28 GMT

First Responders: Ambulance crews face attacks in Cape TownParamedics in the South African port city work quickly, spending as little time as possible at scenes where there has been violence.

  03:31     Middle East31 May 2019 11:25 GMT

All you need to know about the OICThe Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is the second largest intergovernmental body after the UN.

       Africa30 May 2019 17:37 GMT

DR Congo forces kill 26 rebels in Ebola zone near BeniCongolese army says Allied Democratic Forces fighters were killed during attack on an army position in Ngite village.

       Zimbabwe30 May 2019 17:33 GMT

Amnesty International suspends Zimbabwe office over 'fraud'The rights group said it would try to recover lost funds, while assuring donor money was safe.

       AJ Impact30 May 2019 11:26 GMT

 Africa's biggest fund manager appoints unions to boardSouth Africa's Public Investment Corp. has seen dubious investments land it in front of a judicial review.

       Africa30 May 2019 07:02 GMT

'First time in history': 50 percent women in South Africa cabinetPresident Cyril Ramaphosa's new cabinet comprises 50 percent women, a first for Africa's second-biggest economy.

       Sudan29 May 2019 20:59 GMT

Pregnant woman killed in Sudan after security forces clash Street vendor was killed after soldiers shot at each other for unknown reasons near the army headquarters. 

       Africa29 May 2019 18:52 GMT

Sudan strike: Pregnant woman killed at protestTensions are high on the streets of Khartoum as protest leaders vow to continue their actions.

  02:16     Africa29 May 2019 16:06 GMT

Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari sworn in for second term as presidentSecurity in capital Abuja was tight as Buhari was sworn in for another four years as president.

  01:56     Africa29 May 2019 13:33 GMT

First Responders: Kenya's Muranga motorcycles save livesMotorcycles are providing a vital service to Kenya's rural communities.

  02:41     Middle East29 May 2019 10:34 GMT

Sudanese protesters strike over civilian rule, challenging armyTwo-day nationwide strike in Sudan to pressurise army to pave way for civilian transitional government.

  02:25     Africa29 May 2019 10:07 GMT

Nigeria's president Muhammadu Buhari begins second termAl Jazeera looks at the challenges Muhammadu Buhari faces as the Nigerian president begins a second term.

  02:54     Opinion29 May 2019 07:49 GMT

What will Nigeria look like in Buhari's second coming?Will the incumbent manage to fulfil his election campaign promises?

 by Fisayo Soyombo 

     Show More   Opinion     What will Nigeria look like in Buhari's second coming? by Fisayo Soyombo 

       Eritreans have peace, now they want freedom by Abraham T Zere

       In memory of a literary gangster by Christine Mungai

       The many mothers of Sudan's revolution by Nisrin Elamin - Tahani Ismail

         IN-DEPTH   Russia'We were straight up scammed, no other way to put it'    KenyaKenyan Somali refugees claim they are denied citizenship rights    AfricaNigeria farmers form vigilante groups to confront bandits    EducationHow student movements shaped a new South Africa                    News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences  Community Guidelines  Work for us  HR Quality     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter  Submit a Tip     Our Channels   Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera English  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary  Al Jazeera Balkans  AJ+     Our Network   Jetty  Al Jazeera Centre for Studies  Al Jazeera Media Institute  Learn Arabic  Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2019 Al Jazeera Media Network


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