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Tech giants rebuff UK's WhatsApp spying proposalApple, Google and others say spy agency's 'ghost' proposal to eavesdrop on encrypted services is a threat to security. 

           AJ IMPACT

'No gun, no smoke': Huawei steps up legal fight against US ban   by David Ho

          AJ Impact

 China gears up to weaponize rare earths in trade war         Human Rights

How can gaming be used to promote peace?       AJ IMPACT

Virtually ready: Digital-only banks set to open in Hong Kong   by David Ho

            AJ Impact28 May 2019 00:58 GMT

 VW to reshuffle $56bn battery push as Samsung deal at riskCarmakers are struggling to source enough battery supplies to produce large numbers of electric vehicles.

       Science & Technology27 May 2019 08:28 GMT

What are the dangers of facial recognition technology?Civil liberties groups say privacy should not be traded for protection, but governments argue it ensures safety.

       AJ Impact27 May 2019 07:35 GMT

Regulator's reputation hit after Boeing crashes: United presidentThe US Federal Aviation Administration has been criticised for working too closely with planemakers like Boeing

       AJ Impact27 May 2019 03:03 GMT

 Billionaire Huawei founder defiant in face of existential threatThe US has blacklisted Huawei, accusing it of helping Beijing in carrying out spying activities

       AJ Impact25 May 2019 00:00 GMT

Two million dollars for a single dose of medicine? Novartis puts $2 million-dollar price tag on new drug that may only be used by a few hundred patients each year. 

       AJ IMPACT24 May 2019 18:17 GMT

Bill Joy: Battling climate change one investment at a timeThe tech legend's innovations laid the foundations of the modern internet. Now, he's working to save the planet.

       AJ Impact24 May 2019 17:33 GMT

 Tesla in 'code red' situation as Wall Street sours on stockAnalysts cite cash crunch as CEO Elon Musk tells employees 'hardcore cuts' are now needed.

       AJ Impact24 May 2019 14:20 GMT

Las Vegas bets on self-driving cars: Public TransportationThe new transit system could be made up of self-driving vehicles underneath the Las Vegas Convention Center.

       Science & Technology23 May 2019 19:53 GMT

Automatic facial recognition challenged in UK courtCollecting biometric data such as facial scans in mass surveillance schemes undermines human rights, say activists.

  02:48     AJ Impact23 May 2019 10:09 GMT

As Trump heads to Tokyo, Japan's firms brace for trade war impactTop manufacturers are concerned the dispute between China and the US will hurt their supply chains and markets. 

       AJ Impact23 May 2019 04:44 GMT

US judge rules Qualcomm violated antitrust law in chip marketThe outcome could hurt Qualcomm in its race against rivals like China's Huawei for high-speed mobile tech supremacy.

       Inside Story22 May 2019 20:06 GMT

What's next for Huawei after US trade blacklist?Google restricts access to Chinese technology company after the US blacklists it over national security concerns.

  24:25     AJ Impact22 May 2019 18:44 GMT

NYC Green New Deal has Trump Tower in its sightsReal-estate developers, including Trump, are targeted by strict building-emissions limits and energy-efficiency rules.

       AJ IMPACT22 May 2019 18:14 GMT

China's Hikvision says it takes US rights concerns 'seriously'Hikvision has been accused of supplying public surveillance equipment to the Chinese government to monitor minorities.

       Fault Lines22 May 2019 13:53 GMT

The Viral Threat: Measles and MisinformationWe examine how misinformation about vaccines has led to the return of measles as the US battles to contain outbreaks.

  25:10   Show More   Opinion     Digital colonialism is threatening the Global South by Michael Kwet

       Can China innovate? by Charlie Ang Hwa Leong

       Let's stop pretending that science is apolitical by Tamoghna Halder

       Mohammed bin Salman and the gold rush of singularity by Bill Law 

      IN-DEPTH   AJ IMPACTBill Joy: Battling climate change one investment at a time    ShortsThe Amazonian tribe defending their land with technology    AJ IMPACTCyber Scams: A Multi Million Dollar Business    ShortsTrash is treasure in Lesbos                 News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences  Community Guidelines  Work for us  HR Quality     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter  Submit a Tip     Our Channels   Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera English  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary  Al Jazeera Balkans  AJ+     Our Network   Jetty  Al Jazeera Centre for Studies  Al Jazeera Media Institute  Learn Arabic  Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2019 Al Jazeera Media Network


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