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Phil Rees is Acting-Director at Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit. He has reported from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas during a 35-year career in journalism. He has won a dozen international awards, including two each from the Royal Television Society, and the New York and Monte Carlo Television Festivals. For nine years he was a BBC foreign correspondent and senior producer on its global investigative programme, Correspondent.

He has written widely and presented or produced more than 60 documentaries. His unique access to militant groups was chronicled in his 2006 book Dining with Terrorists, which was described as “outstanding” by The Guardian, “entertaining and thought-provoking” by The Times Literary Supplement'”, “an amazing tour de force” by Professor Noam Chomsky and “an intensely readable book, a slide show of intriguing interviews and encounters” by The Financial Times.

Clayton Swisher is a Doha-based investigative journalist on sabbatical leave from Al Jazeera Media Network. In 2011, sources provided Swisher with The Palestine Papers, a trove of more than 1,600 confidential records charting the Arab-Israeli peace negotiations for more than a decade. A year later, he delivered What Killed Arafat?, earning the CINE Golden Eagle and nominations for RTS, BAFTA, and the Monte Carlo Film Festival.

Swisher has also reported in The Bin Laden Files, Killing Arafat, Egypt’s Lost Power, and, most recently, The Spy Cables.

He is the author of two scholarly books on the Arab-Israeli conflict: The Truth About Camp David (New York: Nation Books, 2004) and The Palestine Papers: The End of the Road? (London: Hesperus Press, 2011).


Simon Boazman works from Washington and is one of Britain’s leading investigative reporters, having gone undercover to penetrate a host of challenging subjects such as people trafficking, drugs, organised crime, football hooliganism and racism.

His film Detention Undercover won the Royal Television Society Journalism Award in the Home Current Affairs category. Simon was part of the award-winning team of the BBC's Panorama where he spent many years reporting and presenting hard-hitting and thought-provoking films.

Will Jordan is a London-based reporter specialising in corruption and illicit financial activity. He has won the One World Media Award for Corruption Reporting for Stealing Paradise, an expose of gangsterism, bribery and money-laundering in the Maldives and its international nexus. His work in Ukraine, The Oligarchs, exposed a shadow trade in the $1.5bn of frozen assets linked to former president Viktor Yanukovych. Broken Dreams: The Boeing 787 ‌revealed serious safety concerns with Boeing’s flagship aircraft, including undercover footage inside a factory. It was an Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) Award finalist, won the Association for International Broadcasting (AIB) Award and was nominated for a number of other accolades including the Royal Television Society (RTS) Awards.

Deborah Davies  is a multi-award winning British reporter working in the Washington unit.

She’s covered the world’s most troubled regions, including Northern Ireland in the 1980’s, Bosnia and Iraq in the 90’s to modern day Congo, Pakistan and the Middle East.

She’s frequently gained unprecedented access to break stories, from the first ever film about bin Laden to the role of police death squads in Iraq.

Several of her UK films changed the way police and courts deal with crimes such as murder, rape and domestic violence.

She’s won awards from BAFTA, the Royal Television Society, Women in Film and Television, Monte Carlo Film Festival and the Dutch Television Academy.

David Harrison is a multi-award-winning British journalist based in London.

He has reported from over 75 countries, including conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Balkans, the Middle East, Sudan, Algeria, Zimbabwe and Colombia.

A multi-lingual Oxford graduate, David investigations include eastern European sex traffickers; Nigeria’s child slaves; China’s political dissidents; ivory poaching in Africa; genocide in Darfur; Hezbollah’s suicide bombers and British Petroleum’s links with Colombian ‘death squads’.

A former journalist with national newspapers including The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph and The Sunday Times, David’s first documentary as a reporter for the Investigative Unit was Britain’s Modern Slave Trade.

His awards include the Paul Foot Award for Investigative Journalism and the Amnesty International Press Award.