Anarchist Resistance and Repression in Indonesia

Published May 3, 2019

Hundreds of anarchist revolutionaries took over the streets in Bandung, Indonesia on May Day. Police stations, police cars, state owned property and symbols of capital were attacked.


This is one of the strongest displays of anarchist resistance in Indonesia in years.

The action was met with sweeping and draconian repression. As many as 600 anarchists were arrested, many facing torture and abuse.



Also on May Day, in Makassar, Indonesia, anarchists attacked a McDonalds restaurant. Six comrades were arrested there.

A year ago, on May Day 2018, anarchists in Yogyakarta took to the streets to protest the Sultanate and the construction of the Yogyakarta airport project. A police post was destroyed in the action and sixty nine people were arrestsed with eleven held for months. There were also reports of torture then as well.