Galway says Fáilte to refugees
Last night we gathered at the Spanish Arch on Wear Red Day for Show Racism the Red Card - Ireland. Thanks to Cue One Ireland. Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture, Galway Sports Partnershipand Up in the Éire for making it a reality. This video captures the evening perfectly 🖤

Find out more about the importance of reporting racism in the link below:
Report racism using iReport.

We're helping Every Child is Your Child with their Back to School collection for children living in Direct Provision.

The items needed are listed below on the poster.

The drop off points for Galway City are 16 Lough Atalia Road (all week) and the Teach Solais Resource Centre on Merchants Road (Saturdays only)


You can arrange a drop off by messaging this page or by texting 087 2729021

Why not ask your workplace to arrange a collection too and we can link in after and sort the logistics!

Thanks x

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