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Writers, we want your speculative fiction about the future(s)!

About the speculative alternatives issue

Overland is seeking fiction submissions for a special online edition themed around the future(s) you would manifest, to be guest edited by Eda Gunaydin:

José Esteban Muñoz encourages us to understand utopias as horizons: something off in the distance, here-but-not-here, or not-here-yet. He says that to access a utopic future, ‘we may need to squint, to strain our vision and force it to see otherwise.’ For me, that’s fiction’s role: to provide a moment of consolation from the here-and-now. But also a tool for imagining better futures and, in doing so, making them possible.

For this special online fiction issue of Overland, I am calling for speculative alternatives to the oppressions that structure our lives. Science fiction, hard and soft; futurist fiction; queer fiction; decolonial and de-carceral fiction; even autofiction that writes you into the future. Work which transcends the pessimism of the present. Happy endings are not mandatory – a utopia need not be sickly sweet or banal.

Which is the future you would manifest, if you could? Go to that place, and bring back a story, one which forces us to see otherwise.

Contributors for this edition will be paid $150 per story.

Submissions close 11.59pm, Monday 15 July. The special issue will be available online in mid to late August.


About the guest editor

Eda Gunaydin is a Turkish-Australian writer and researcher, interested in class, relationality and diaspora. She is the current University of Melbourne Australian Centre Dinny O’Hearn Fellow. You can find her work in Meanjin, Sydney Review of Books, The Lifted Brow and others.


Guidelines for submission

Stories can run from flash fiction to longer short stories, but the maximum word length for submissions is 4000 words.

Kindly note: writers may submit no more than two stories for consideration for this special issue.

Submit your story as a:

Current Overland subscriber?
Click here to submit your story.

Not yet an Overland subscriber? 
Click here to submit your story.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.)


Read one of our previous fiction issues

  1. Dave Drayton – False Documents
  2. Anna Spargo-Ryan – Our Hour
  3. Natasha Batten
  4. Mandy Beaumont and Craig Bolland – The Idea of Women issue
  5. Ben Walter – Anti-/dis-/un-Australian fiction issue
  6. Rachel Hennessy
  7. Khalid Warsame
  8. Kate Goldsworthy
  9. Oliver Driscoll
  10. SJ Finn
  11. Emily Laidlaw
  12. Miranda Camboni

Image Jeswin Thomas / Unsplash

Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

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