Support the IAS

January 17, 2013 5:09 pm

The Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS) is run on donations from people like you. We also raises funds when organizations book speakers through our Mutual Aid Speakers List, as well as contributions people make at events. In this way, the IAS is both independent and yet deeply interconnected with, and supported by, antiauthoritarian, anarchist and like-minded individuals and movements. The IAS, in short, is about the antiauthoritarian Left sustaining itself through mutual aid.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Institute for Anarchist Studies. Your donation is invaluable to our work. We accept secure credit card donations through PayPal and Network for Good. You can also provide ongoing support by making a monthly donation.

PayPal: One Time Donations
Click the “donate” button to make a one time payment of any amount through PayPal! You don’t need to have a PayPal account, you can make a secure credit or debit card payment.
Become a Monthly Sustainer
To sign up for monthly donations through Paypal, click here, enter the amount you’d like to donate per month and click “donate” to become a monthly sustainer! You can enter any amount, and if you don’t have a PayPal account, you can make a secure credit or debit card payment.
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Make a Bequest
Memorialize your commitment to liberatory struggles and ensure that our shared vision of a free society carries on! Join supporters who have made a bequest to the continuation of our work by adding “The Institute for Anarchist Studies, PO Box 90454, Portland, OR 97290” to your will. You can find more detailed information here, and you’re welcome to contact us at with any further questions.