
Quite frankly Checathlon is an awesome theme. The work Sami have done on this is quite something. It’s very easy to use and has plenty of options for customization.

Ben from WPinme

Ben from WPinme

Looking through Toivo theme code is like reading a best-practices manual. Add in the fact that it’s also accessibility-ready makes it nothing short of a work of art.

Justin Tadlock

Justin Tadlock

I looked hundreds of themes but I finally found Foxland and Munsa. This is it! Sami’s themes are visually attractive and easy to use. Support was fast and superb.

Petri Jauhiainen

Petri Jauhiainen

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Maintainable CSS architecture in the Gutenberg era

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Continue reading Foxland products for free

Foxland products for free

All my themes and plugins are now free. At the moment I feel that’s a permanent decision but you’ll never know. I want to thank all who have supported my journey. Either by purchasing, helping, or sharing ideas. I’ll do my best to answer some of the questions you might have. Why free? I don’t…

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