
Stand Together Against Racism organising meeting – after Christchurch, what can we do to stop Islamophobia?
Sunday 2pm, Multicultural Hub 506 Elizabeth St Melb
Come along and help us organise to push Islamophobia out of the centre Australian politics.

SUN, MAR 24 AT 2:00 PM UTC+11
58 people interested
Recommended by 9 people
everything about anti racism is incredibly appropriate. it is a rite of passage for every real huma...n being
it shows the world that you are a respectful valuable member of the multiverse
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'everything about anti racism is incredibly appropriate.  it is a rite of passage for every real human being 
it shows the world that you are a respectful valuable member of the multiverse'
what a well organized rally today. great speakers
Tanya Azar's photo.
I am a white anglo-saxon male and I don't think that I have ever suffered racism and I wish that eve...ryone else experienced life as I have. All people are equal and deserve respect. See More
Will Wong says: join the rally Stand Together Against Racism on Nov 10