Sunday, December 09, 2018


Today’s fascists aren’t like yesterday’s fascists. Today’s antifascists aren’t like yesterday’s antifascists. What will tomorrow bring? 2017 was the year the “alt-right” entered the mainstream.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Anti-Anti-Antifa

Friday, December 07, 2018

#ThotAudit Is Compiling Massive Databases of Sex Workers and Reporting Them to PayPal

Misogynists are compiling massive databases of sex workers in and effort to threaten, harm, and harass them for making a living. People participating in the viral harassment campaign known as #ThotAudit seek to make it more difficult for those in the sex trade to work.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at #ThotAudit Is Compiling Massive Databases of Sex Workers and Reporting Them to PayPal

Friday, November 09, 2018

Three Months Inside Alt-Right New York

An undercover antifascist descends through all nine circles of the alt-right inferno. During my three months inside New York’s alt-right, The Daily Stormer Book Club never got around to reading any books.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Three Months Inside Alt-Right New York

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Un-mappable Fascism: What maps can (and can’t) explain about the Brazilian election

Brazil has been lobotomised twice in the last two months. In the first lobotomy on 2 September, the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro was burnt down, in a catastrophe directly attributable to the austerity policies of current president Michel Temer.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Un-mappable Fascism: What maps can (and can’t) explain about the Brazilian election

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

On social media, the country seems to divide into two neat camps: Call them the woke and the resentful. Team Resentment is manned—pun very much intended—by people who are predominantly old and almost exclusively white.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

Et Tu, BrutesDonna Zuckerberg on How Misogyny Red-Pilled the Classics

When the Red Pillers—online communities of far-right, anti-feminist men—need to back up their misogynist and racist claims, they look to Ovid, Euripides, or the Stoics.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Et Tu, BrutesDonna Zuckerberg on How Misogyny Red-Pilled the Classics

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Danish left veering right on immigration

COPENHAGEN — Denmark’s right-wing government might once have expected pushback from the left-wing opposition when it introduced a controversial new integration policy. No longer.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Danish left veering right on immigration

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Imperialist Realities vs. the Myths of David Harvey - ROAPE

By John Smith When David Harvey says “the historical draining of wealth from East to West for more than two centuries has largely been reversed over the last thirty years,” his readers will reasonably assume that he refers to a defining feature of imperialism, namely the plunder of living labou

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Imperialist Realities vs. the Myths of David Harvey - ROAPE

Monday, March 19, 2018

Support Herman Bell!

15-lens-herman-bell-embed-blog480Last week the New York State Board of Parole granted Herman Bell release. Since the Board’s decision, there has been significant backlash from the Police Benevolent Association, other unions, Mayor De Blasio and Governor Cuomo. They are demanding that Herman be held indefinitely, the Parole Commissioners who voted for his release be fired, and that people convicted of killing police be left to die in prison.

We want the Governor, policymakers, and public to know that we strongly support the Parole Board’s lawful, just and merciful decision. We also want to show support for the recent changes to the Board, including the appointment of new Commissioners and the direction of the new parole regulations, which base release decisions more on who a person is today and their accomplishments while in prison than on the nature of their crime.

Herman has a community of friends, family and loved ones eagerly awaiting his return. At 70 years old and after 45 years inside, it is time for Herman to come home.

Here are four things you can do RIGHT NOW to support Herman Bell:

1- CALL New York State Governor Cuomo’s Office NOW

2-EMAIL New York State Governor Cuomo’s Office

3- TWEET at Governor Cuomo: use the following sample tweet:

“@NYGovCuomo: stand by the Parole Board’s lawful & just decision to release Herman Bell. At 70 years old and after more than 40 years of incarceration, his release is overdue. #BringHermanHome.”

4- Participate in a CBS poll and vote YES on the Parole Board’s decision…/herman-bell-parole-police-ou…/
The poll ends on March 21st. Please do this ASAP!

Script for phone calls and emails:
“Governor Cuomo, my name is __________and I am a resident of [New York State/other state/other country]. I support the Parole Board’s decision to release Herman Bell and urge you and the Board to stand by the decision. I also support the recent appointment of new Parole Board Commissioners, and the direction of the new parole regulations, which base release decisions more on who a person is today than on the nature of their crime committed years ago. Returning Herman to his friends and family will help the heal the many harms caused by crime and decades of incarceration. The Board’s decision was just, merciful and lawful, and it will benefit our communities and New York State as a whole.”

Thank you for your support and contributions.

With gratitude,
Supporters of Herman Bell and Parole Justice New York

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Herman Bell Granted Parole!

15-lens-herman-bell-embed-blog480A respected elder, Herman Bell, was granted parole having met all the criteria for release according to his sentence.  The parole commissioners recognized his progress after serving nearly 45 years in prison and granted his parole application.  He is looking forward to being reunited with his family and friends.  We welcome him home.


There is a predictable police-instigated backlash to the parole board’s decision — one thing you can do to oppose this is go to the CBS news poll on facebook, and register your support for releasing Herman (go here — — and vote ‘yes’)

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

March Sale at


A number of books from Kersplebedeb (and other publishers!) are on special on the website for the rest of the month of March, 25% off or more — some of the books on special include:

and many more … you can check them all out at

(This sale ends March 31)


on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Friday, March 16, 2018

Prosecutors Say A Woman Who Went Undercover With An “Anarchist Extremist Group” Will Testify At Inauguration Protest Trials (repost)

In the next round of trials against people charged with rioting during President Donald Trump’s inauguration, federal prosecutors want to put a witness on the stand under an alias who spent two years undercover with “an anarchist extremist group” in New York.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Prosecutors Say A Woman Who Went Undercover With An “Anarchist Extremist Group” Will Testify At Inauguration Protest Trials

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Assembly of First Nations, RCMP co-operated on response to mass protests in 2007 (repost)

The Assembly of First Nations worked closely with the Mounties and provincial police to exchange information about protests and develop common stances before a national aboriginal day of action in the summer of 2007, according to RCMP documents.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Assembly of First Nations, RCMP co-operated on response to mass protests in 2007

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Prosecutors Say A Woman Who Went Undercover With An "Anarchist Extremist Group" Will Testify At Inauguration Protest Trials

In the next round of trials against people charged with rioting during President Donald Trump's inauguration, federal prosecutors want to put a witness on the stand under an alias who spent two years undercover with "an anarchist extremist group" in New York.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Prosecutors Say A Woman Who Went Undercover With An "Anarchist Extremist Group" Will Testify At Inauguration Protest Trials

Assembly of First Nations, RCMP co-operated on response to mass protests in 2007

The Assembly of First Nations worked closely with the Mounties and provincial police to exchange information about protests and develop common stances before a national aboriginal day of action in the summer of 2007, according to RCMP documents.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Assembly of First Nations, RCMP co-operated on response to mass protests in 2007

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Montreal Screening: The Gentleman Bank Robber

when: Friday, March 9 at 7 PM – 10 PMGBR_FINAL_POSTER_DIGITAL
where: qpirg concordia, 1500 de maisonneuve ouest (montreal)


The Gentleman Bank Robber is a portrait of revolutionary rita bo brown, a white working class butch from rural Oregon who became known as “The Gentleman Bank Robber” in the 1970s for combining her butch style of dress with a polite way of demanding funds from bank tellers.

The film moves between everyday moments with bo in and around her current home in Oakland, California, and historical retelling of the events of bo’s extraordinary life through interviews with bo and her collaborators, archival materials, and rare social movement ephemera.

The Gentleman Bank Robber weaves together personal and political perspectives on 20th century social movement histories, including queer liberation in the 1960s; militant, underground activity with the George Jackson Brigade in the 1970s, a revolutionary prison abolitionist group; political prisoner support work in the 1980s, and prison activist work into the present day. bo brown is a model for how to lead a life of committed activism while maintaining a sense of humor and humanity.

Note that this event is pay what you can, and all funds received will go to support Bo’s medical expenses (see below)

Books from Kersplebedeb will be available, including Lumpen: The Autobiography of Ed Mead (one of Bo’s comrades from the George Jackson Brigade), at big discounts.

Childcare will be available.

Directed by Julie Perini, 47 minutes, 2017
With original music by Marisa Anderson & Lisa Schonberg


In the summer of 2016, bo was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dimentia, a terminal neurodegenerative disease. As of October 2017, bo’s community is raising funds to support her in-home medical care. Donate to the Bo Brown, Forever Activist, Forever Survivor fundraising campaign here:


QPIRG Concordia is a wheelchair accessible and scent-free space see for further details


for more information email

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Winter Pride Mini Queer Between the Covers

qbcwinterTuesday, February 27 at 12 PM – 4 PM
Concordia University’s EV Atrium (the building glued on to the metro; you can enter via the metro or Guy though the official address is 1515 Saint-Catherine St W)


As part of Concordia University’s first Winter Pride//Fierté en Hiver celebration, QBtC is holding a mini bookfair in the University’s EV Atrium. Our mini fair is happening on Tuesday, February 27th from 12-4 PM. Come join us for some fun, zines, art and queer culture as part of Concordia’s Winter Pride, and check out the other cool events happening, too!

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair: March 3rd and 4th

hamiltonbookfair2018-squaregraphicThe Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair – Saturday, March 3 and Sunday, March 4, 2018 – takes place at Westdale Secondary School (700 Main St. W. MAP) Easily accessible from the 403 and a quick bus ride from MacNab Terminal in the downtown Hamilton area.

At the bookfair there is dozens of booksellers, zinesters, distributors and organizing groups from all over Hamilton, Ontario, North America, and beyond, sharing their publications and materials, most of which are hard or impossible to find at mainstream book stores. Many of the materials are available for free, and much of it is published specifically to be available at the Bookfair. Please note: Booksellers and vendors will be displaying on both days: Saturday, March 3 & 4. Workshops, theme rooms, and more will also take place on both days.

During the weekend, there is an Anarchist Film Room screening videos and documentaries produced by individuals and grassroots collectives.

There is also art installed and displayed in the space as a part of the Art and Anarchy exhibit.

Free childcare and kids activities are available at the Bookfair in the Kid Zone; kids and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the Bookfair!

For everyone who attends, there’s also a Chill Space. The Chill Space was created out of the recognition that a Bookfair can be really overwhelming and intense for a variety of reasons, and that folks might need a place to be apart from the main Bookfair without feeling like they have to leave altogether.

There are also workshops and presentations throughout the weekend. Some are intended as introductions to anarchism for those who are new to anarchy, while others explore an anarchist-themed subject in some depth.

In general, during the Bookfair, don’t hesitate to ask members of the Bookfair collective, or folks who are tabling or presenting, any question or inquiry you have about the ideas and practice of anarchism. The Bookfair collective actively strives to create an accessible and safe(r) event.

The Bookfair site is close to a handful of restaurants, bus stops and a grocery store.

The entire Bookfair is free, and open to all; however, your donations are appreciated so that we can meet our expenses.

Essentially, the Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair is for people curious about anarchism and wanting to learn more.

For more information:

on the main Kersplebedeb website:

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Organizing the lumpenproletariat: Cliques and communists in Berlin during the Weimar Republic - Eve Rosenhaft

During the Weimar Republic, popular anxieties about the state of society became focused on a field of problems in which youth, political radicalism and a general brutalisation of social and political relations were assumed to be directly linked with one another in peculiarly threatening ways.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Organizing the lumpenproletariat: Cliques and communists in Berlin during the Weimar Republic - Eve Rosenhaft

Organizing the lumpenproletariat: Cliques and communists in Berlin during the Weimar Republic – Eve Rosenhaft (repost)

During the Weimar Republic, popular anxieties about the state of society became focused on a field of problems in which youth, political radicalism and a general brutalisation of social and political relations were assumed to be directly linked with one another in peculiarly threatening ways.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Organizing the lumpenproletariat: Cliques and communists in Berlin during the Weimar Republic – Eve Rosenhaft

on the main Kersplebedeb website: