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Latest Blog Entries

  • Peterloo
    The British empire defeated Napoleon in 1815 on the field of battle at Waterloo (Belgium) and smashed the universal principles of the French Revolution – liberty, equality, and fraternity.
  • Slaughterhouse Prayer interview
    “Slaughterhouse Prayer is a book that grabs you by the collar, slams you up against the wall and shoves you through various emotions. The atmosphere of it stays with you for days afterwards; intimidating, heart-rending, brilliant.&rdquo...;
  • Happy Birthday, Abdullah Ocalan!
    “Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but … life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.” -Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the time of Cholera
  • Gossip Girls: Emily Janakiram on Silvia Ferderici
    Silvia Federici has been one of the most influential and widely cited Marxist feminist scholars of the last 50 years.  Her landmark work, Caliban and the Witch, argued that witch hunts were an organized campaign of mass murder of wome...
  • Gaza, Stonewall: Izzy Mustafa on Why People Rise Up
    Last year alone, some 189 Palestinians – including children, journalists, and the disabled – were killed at the Gaza border, most by Israeli live ammunition; 23,000 have been injured. One year later, the protests continue. Why?
  • 268: Democracy vs. Communism
    About a month ago I came across a clutch of these great old anti-communist pamphlets at Book Thug Nation. Touted as the “Democracy versus Communism Series,” they are an amazing collection of anti-communist myths, conspiracies, and g...
  • Bring Back Pell Grants for Prisoners
    When I was in working on my PhD in philosophy at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, I paid for part of my education by teaching in prison. For me it was an incredibly rewarding experience. It was great working these students who had ti...
  • Gustav Landauer Exhibition in Berlin
    With the 100th anniversary of Landauer’s death approaching, the folks of the Gustav Landauer Denkmalinitiative have curated an exhibition about Landauer in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

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A Soldier's Story: Revolutionary Writings by a New Afrikan Anarchist, Third Edition

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