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"A complex, dream-charged vision of alienation in the wet, mean streets of New York City, where primal, natural urges are suppressed in the lonely isolation of crowds. It's a picture of a soulless civilization headed toward the apocalypse. It's a poetic and lyrical novel—told virtually without words . . . Mr. Drooker has discovered the magic of pulling light and life out of an inky sea of darkness."    Art Spiegelman, The New York Times Book Review


Introduction by Luc Sante

192 pages, 2-color, 9" x 6.25"
Dark Horse Books, hardcover:  $24.99
1st Edition ©1992, 2nd Edition ©2002
3rd Edition ©2007, 4th Edition ©2015

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"Startlingly beautiful Blood Song . . . has a strong and compelling narrative . . . a mythopoeic account of a young woman's flight from a ruined Eden to the corrupt and terrifying urban world." 
—Nick Hornby, The New York Times

"Eric Drooker's elegiac, spiritual, and political Blood Song has no current peer. Written in a language that anyone can understand, exploring themes of universal interest."

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Introduction by Joe Sacco

312 pages, full color, 9" x 6.25"
Dark Horse Books, paperback:  $19.99
1st Edition ©2002, 2nd Edition ©2009

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First published in 1956, Allen Ginsberg's Howl is a prophetic masterpiece—an epic raging against dehumanizing society that overcame censorship trials and obscenity charges to become one of the most widely read poems of the century. Now a major motion picture, starring James Franco, this graphic novel is illustrated with animation art Drooker designed for the film.

“In publishing 'Howl,' I was curious to leave behind after my generation an emotional time bomb that would continue exploding in U.S. consciousness, in case our military-industrial-nationalist complex solidified into a repressive police bureaucracy. . . .
“I was also curious to see how [Eric Drooker] would interpret my work. And I thought that with today's lowered attention span TV consciousness, this would be a kind of updating of the presentation of my work . . . He really captured that sense of Moloch I was going for in the second section of 'Howl'—‘Moloch whose buildings are judgment!’. . . Drooker's old Poe hallucinations of beauteous deathly reality transcend political hang-up and fix our present American dreams."   
Allen Ginsberg

224 pages, full color, 9" x 7"
Harper Perennial, paperback: $19.95
1st edition ©2010


Disguised as a book of innocent postcards, Slingshot is a dangerous collection of Eric Drooker's most notorious posters. Plastered on brick walls from New York to Berlin, tattooed on bodies from Kansas to Mexico City, Drooker's graphics continue to infiltrate and inflame the body politic. 

"When the rush of war parades are over, a simple and elegant
reminder of humanity remains—in the work of Eric Drooker."

 —Sue Coe

"Drooker's iconic images have a way of lingering. I recently spied one
of his stark cityscapes
tattooed on the calf of a young traveler." 
—Sarah Ferguson,  The Village Voice

84 pages, full color, 6" x 4.5”
PM Press, paperback:  $19.95
Expanded edition ©2018


In this folio of his graphics, songs and poems, Drooker presents ten years of work chronicling the political and cultural upheavals on Manhattan's Lower East Side in the final decade of the 20th Century. He traces the neighborhood's radical history back two centuries in his written introduction and follows with dozens of arresting images, depicting the resistance of the beaten-down, the trod-upon and the forgotten in our brave new economic order. These visual protests debuted on lampposts and walls, but they have long since become part of the ongoing visual and psychic landscape of the Lower East Side.

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80 pages, 2 colors, 12" x 9"
Seven Stories Press, paperback

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Special edition of the 14th century classic, The Divine Comedy with new covers & inner flaps by Drooker. Dante's epic poem is a brilliantly nuanced and moving allegory of human redemption. This acclaimed blank verse translation is published by Penguin for the first time in a one-volume edition.