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Bullfrog Films

is a leading source of educational films — DVDs & Streaming — on environmental and related social justice issues, including:

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An Independent Voice

Over the last 45 years, Bullfrog Films has become the leading US publisher of independently-produced documentaries on environmental and related social justice issues that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants.

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Streaming and Screenings

Docuseek2 streams Bullfrog Films. Docuseek2 is the premier academic streaming source for social-issue and environmental documentaries.
Bullfrog Communities is the community and campus-wide screening program of Bullfrog Films.

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Featured Releases

AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock View Trailer
Record of the massive peaceful resistance led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to the Dakota Access Pipeline through their land and underneath the Missouri River.
The True Cost THE TRUE COST View Trailer
Groundbreaking investigation of fast fashion reveals that while the price of clothing has been decreasing for decades the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically.
Death By Design DEATH BY DESIGN View Trailer
Debunks the notion that electronics is a 'clean' industry by revealing the human and environmental cost of electronic gadgets that are designed to die.
The Return THE RETURN View Trailer
After California's "Three Strikes" law was amended, thousands of lifers were suddenly freed, but re-entry presented problems for the lifers, their families and their communities.
Anthropocene   - Short version ANTHROPOCENE - SHORT VERSION View Trailer
Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.
Celling Your Soul CELLING YOUR SOUL View Trailer
An examination of our love/hate relationships with our digital devices from the first digitally socialized generation, and what we can do about it.
Standing on Sacred Ground STANDING ON SACRED GROUND View Trailer
In this 4-part series, indigenous people from eight different cultures stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival, human rights and the environment.
Tribal Justice TRIBAL JUSTICE     View Trailer
Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice.
How to Let Go of the World HOW TO LET GO OF THE WORLD     View Trailer
Oscar-nominated director Josh Fox contemplates our climate-change future by exploring the human qualities that global warming can't destroy.

Newest Releases

Click here for a PDF of our newest releases.

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Una Paz Audaz - A Bold Peace (Spanish Version)    View Trailer
El camino de Costa Rica hacia la desmilitarización.

The Medicine in Marijuana     View Trailer
What we know, and what we don't know, about the most popular new medicine in the U.S.

Once Was Water    View Trailer
Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions.

A Concerned Citizen: Civics in Action    View Trailer
Marine toxicologist, Dr. Riki Ott,who helped fishing communities hit by the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon spills, creates a civics course to help young activists become effective.

Complicit    View Trailer
Benzene-poisoned, Foxconn factory worker takes his fight against the global smartphone industry from his hospital bed in China to the international stage.

Lobster War: The Fight Over the World's Richest Fishing Grounds    View Trailer
Climate-changed ocean temperatures shift New England's lobster fishery across national boundaries, sparking international tension.

Don't Give Up Your Voice! Stories of Argentine Resistance     View Trailer
Looks at the inspirational resistance of Argentinians to the government of Mauricio Macri, whose election preceded Trump's but whose style and policies are eerily similar.

Keepers of the Future: La Coordinadora of El Salvador     View Trailer
Following El Salvador's civil war, a farmers' cooperative puts down roots, builds resilience and provides a model of how to mitigate climate change and resist unsustainable, extractive development.

The Sequel     View Trailer
Looks at the influential work of David Fleming, who dared to re-imagine a thriving civilization after the collapse of our current mainstream economies and inspired the Transition Towns movement.

Power to Heal    View Trailer
The untold story of how the twin struggles for racial justice and healthcare intersected: creating Medicare and desegregating thousands of hospitals at the same time.

Capturing The Flag    View Trailer
Four friends travel to Cumberland County, NC--posterchild for voter suppression in 2016--intent on proving that the big idea of American democracy can be defended by small acts of individual citizens.

Backfired: When VW Lied to America    View Trailer
Investigates the largest auto scam in the world, tracing VW's deliberate installation of defeat devices in their diesel cars to circumvent California and US vehicle emissions standards.

This is Home: A Refugee Story     View Trailer
Sundance award-winner puts a human face on the global refugee crisis by providing an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in the US and struggling to find their footing.

No Man's Land     View Trailer
Behind the scenes account of the occupation of Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by armed militants and their 41-day standoff with federal authorities.

Bluefin: Last of the Giants     View Trailer
Bluefin tuna is a thousand-pound warm-blooded giant with gills, which wholesales at up to a million dollars, and which is caught in an oceanic "last of the buffalo hunt."

G is for Gun     View Trailer
Explores both sides of the highly controversial trend of arming teachers and staff in America's K-12 schools.

Redefining Prosperity     View Trailer
The story of how a mining town recovered from its legacy of pollution and prospered by building community around the battle to save their beautiful river.

Gladesmen     View Trailer
In a classic battle of competing interests, gladesmen and their airboats are being banned from Everglades National Park in the world's largest attempt to restore a damaged ecosystem.

Plane Truths     View Trailer
With the "Pivot to Asia" increased activity at the navy base on Whidbey Island, WA is making life unbearable for locals and wildlife - collateral damage in the ever increasing militarization of our society.

The Heretic    View Trailer
Follows Rob Bell, founder of a megachurch in Michigan, and now an influential writer and speaker, as he spreads a message of love and inclusion and searches for what it means to be human.

Still Waters    View Trailer
In his tiny, one-room, after hours, free school in Brooklyn, Stephen Haff teaches forty Hispanic kids reading, creative writing and Latin.

Symbiotic Earth    View Trailer
Explores the life and ideas of Lynn Margulis, a scientific rebel who challenged entrenched theories of evolution to present a new narrative: life evolves through collaboration.

Earth Seasoned...#GapYear    View Trailer
Diagnosed with learning difficulties, Tori finds her greatest teacher in nature, spending a "gap year" living semi-primitively with four other young women in Oregon's Cascade Mountains.

A Quest for Meaning    View Trailer
Two childhood friends take an impromptu road trip attempting to uncover the causes of our current global crisis and discover a way to bring about change.

Open Bethlehem     View Trailer
The filmmaker comes home to Bethlehem to find the city being strangled by the wall and ongoing Israeli settlements, and starts a campaign to keep Bethlehem open to the world.

A Dangerous Idea     View Trailer
Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not.

Daughters of the Forest     View Trailer
A group of girls in a remote forest in Paraguay are transformed at an experimental high school where they learn to protect the threatened forest and build a future for themselves.

Evolution of Organic     View Trailer
The story of organic agriculture, told by those in California who built the movement.

Food Coop     View Trailer
Looks at the workings of a highly profitable supermarket, Brooklyn's Park Slope Food Coop, which for 44 years has been a shining example of a successful alternative economic system at work.

Triple Divide [REDACTED]     View Trailer
Exposes the mishandling and cover-up of drinking water contamination related to unconventional natural gas extraction - aka fracking - in Pennsylvania.

The Search for General Tso     View Trailer
A quest to understand the origins of this ubiquitous, spicy red chicken dish and to explore the history of Chinese-American food.

Cracking Cancer     View Trailer
A clinical research trial at the Personalized OncoGenomics Program is changing the way scientists think about the future of cancer care.

Cheshire, Ohio     View Trailer
Follows a community devastated by coal, starting with American Electric Power's buyout and bulldozing of this Ohio River town, after exposing them to years of harmful emissions.

Food For Change     View Trailer
The deep history of cooperatives in America -- the country's longest-surviving alternative economic system.

One Big Home     View Trailer
Trophy homes threaten Martha's Vineyard. When he feels he is complicit in wrecking the place he calls home, one carpenter takes off his tool belt and picks up a camera.

Tribal Justice     View Trailer
Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice.

From This Day Forward     View Trailer
Tells the story of a love, and family, that survived the most intimate of transformations.

AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock     View Trailer
Record of the massive peaceful resistance led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to the Dakota Access Pipeline through their land and underneath the Missouri River.

Sacred Cod     View Trailer
Captures the collapse of the historic cod population in New England, delving into the effects of overfishing, climate change and government policies on fishermen and the fish.

Celling Your Soul     View Trailer
An examination of our love/hate relationships with our digital devices from the first digitally socialized generation, and what we can do about it.

Anthropocene - Short version     View Trailer
Examines whether human impact has tipped the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, with all of its political, social and behavioral implications.

A Bold Peace     View Trailer
Almost 70 years ago Costa Rica abolished its army and committed itself to fostering a peaceful society. It has been reaping the benefits ever since.

Denial     View Trailer
A unique film about the filmmaker's father, a utility executive and smart grid pioneer in a nation in denial about climate change, who battles his own denial about his true identity.

Company Town     View Trailer
A grassroots movement challenges Citizens United, corporate power, and moguls of the "sharing economy" to stop gentrification and wrest back control of San Francisco's future.

Death By Design     View Trailer
Debunks the notion that electronics is a 'clean' industry by revealing the human and environmental cost of electronic gadgets that are designed to die.

My Love Affair with the Brain     View Trailer
Meet Marian Diamond, one of the founders of modern neuroscience, and an inspirational teacher to thousands at UC Berkeley and to millions on YouTube.

...more new releases

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