Autonomy and Resistance Gathering 2018

Autonomy and Resistance Gathering 2018
Latin America, Asia Pacific and Beyond!


November Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th, Victorian Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street, Carlton South (Melbourne) Victoriab – Australia

3 days of speakers, panels, workshops, film screenings and more…

Main Topics:
Land defense from multinationals
Autonomy and self-determination
Prisons and Criminalization
Visions for development beyond neoliberal capitalism, colonialism and patriachy


Sina Brown-Davis (Aotearoa/NZ)
Maori, Tongan and Samoan anti-colonial and anti-capitalist activist

Kristy-Lee Horswood (QLD)
Gamilaraay activist, Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR), Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy (BASE), Voices of The 3%

Meriki Onus
Gunditjmara and Gunnai organiser and co-founder of the Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance (WAR), Djap Wurrung Protector

More Speakers TBC

5pm-10pm (ENTRY $5/$10)
“Black and Cuba”
This award-winning documentary follows street-smart Ivy League students who are outcasts at their elite university, band together and adventure to the enigmatic Caribbean island of Cuba, whose population is 60% Black. Their journey through the streets of Havana and Santiago reveals enthralling scenes of Cuban life including hip hop performances, block parties, and candid spontaneous encounters with AfroCuban youth. As they film their experience, the travelers discover connections between Cuban and American perspectives on human rights, race, and revolution.

“Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley”
When a 21st century coup d’état ousts the only president they ever believed in, these farmers take over the plantations. With no plans to ever give them back.
“A thoroughly captivating window into history as never told by the winners — beautiful, enraging, profoundly inspiring.” – Naomi Klein, Author of the global bestsellers No Logo, The Shock Doctrine and This Changes Everything.
Beginning with the first coup in Central America in three decades, the film picks up the story of the farmers who responded to the coup by taking over the plantations of the most powerful man in Honduras. The camera follows three of the movement’s protagonists and one brilliant journalist from the capital city over the four years between the coup and the elections the farmers hope will return democracy to Honduras. But will the same people who took power by the bullet give it up by the ballot?

“Amazônia Eterna (Eternal Amazon)”
At a time when the world is discussing the impact of human actions on the environment, Amazônia Eterna presents a critical analysis of how the world’s largest tropical rainforest is understood and appreciated.

Berta Vive! – life and death of Berta Caceres
The Land is Our Mother – Mapuche struggle and links to Australian Forestry

SATURDAY & SUNDAY – Plenaries, workshopd, nice food and environment 

Check agenda in links

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