Supporters 2017-11-09T18:01:38+00:00

Supporters (2016 – 2017)

Our 200+ different partners include individuals, community organisations, all levels of government, corporate organisations and industry. These relationships bring about mutual benefits and vary from in-kind supporters, organisations who pay a fee-for-service for us to deliver corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, program co-deliverers, grant givers and philanthropic trustees.

We would like to thank everyone who has shown their support to CERES this year, including our regular donors and all those who gave to our Annual Appeal. We couldn’t do it without you.

All of our partners are important and assist us in delivering our mission. Here we would like to acknowledge our financial and in kind partners.

Moreland City Council: Continues to be our most significant partner and supporter, providing our land and funding for capital works.

Partnership highlights include:

Advanced Resource Recycling: Funded a new Excursions e-waste activity and provided onsite e-waste recycling.

Catholic Education Melbourne: Continued as a Strategic Partner to provide teacher professional learning in catholic schools in Metropolitan Melbourne.

FP Consulting: Carried out a study of best environmental practice in hospitality and surveyed our customers.

Moreland Energy Foundation Limited: Provided advice and a valuable sounding board. Provided timer switches for our coffee machines enabling us to save energy.

Sustainability Victoria: Continued our 8 year funding partnership to deliver the ResourceSmart Schools program to over 350 schools.

Victorian Government Department of Education and Training: Commenced a partnership to deliver energy education.

Victorian State Government: Provided funding towards the building of 15 Victorian schools, in which CERES is the Sustainability Partner.

Victorian Local Government: Continued partnerships with over 15 local governments to provide teacher professional learning and sustainable facilities management to schools in each locality.

Other partners and supporters include:

Brunswick Bowls Club, Brunswick Neighbourhood House, City Harvest, Department of Health and Human Services, Fareshare, Festival21, Inner Melbourne Vet Cluster, Inner North Community Foundation, Irene Lawson and Brendan Kissane, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, Permaculture Australia, Victorian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet, YMCA.