Rob Idol

Current Affairs Wrap: Venezuela’s pseudo coup, AusPol’s latest week from hell, the MP who congratulated himself

Well, it's been a particularly incompetent week, punctuated by Venezuela's problematic coup and our lesser-known politicians being absolutely deplorable. But at least one elderly couple found $10m worth of methamphetamine on their doorstep. That's good, right?

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Rob Idol

Rob is an aspiring writer who balances his time between a “real” job and his passion for politics, social justice and all things creative. He has an MBA, an unhealthy obsession with current events, an even unhealthier obsession with pop culture and has been known to offer favourable food reviews in exchange for free meals.

Current Affairs Wrap: Dem Joe’s fightin’ words, Anning sours rhetoric, Lime scooters wring lols

Well, as far as weeks go, it was almost tolerable. Joe Biden decided he wants to be President, Fraser Anning’s mob doubled down and one joke targeted something we all loathe.

Our own Watergate: A deluge of scandal our media ignored

Our Watergate sees water bought with taxpayer funds, filtered through a Cayman Island company owned by sitting politicians. Yet, our media has been reticent to cover it. Why?

Current Affairs Wrap: Brexit jumps shark, One Nation’s big week, the goodest boy of all

It’s been a week of relative detritus what with One Nation and Brexit. But there was a dog…and perhaps that is enough.
