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I’m pregnant… I’m confused. I’m scared. I’m 14. I don’t know what I’m doing at all.

Heather, a teenager in Idaho who found out she was pregnant. There was the possibility her boyfriend, who was 24, would go to prison.

READ Heather’s story

In the summer after 9th grade, 14-year-old Heather discovered she was pregnant. Her boyfriend Aaron was 24. At the time, marriage seemed like it could be a solution to their problems — and maybe a way to keep Aaron out of jail.

In the first ever episode of The FRONTLINE Dispatch, reporter Anjali Tsui and producer Sophie McKibben go inside a battle playing out over child marriage in America.

LISTEN: Child marriage in America


The little-known story of the only U.S. bank prosecuted in relation to the 2008 financial crisis.Abacus: Small Enough to Jail” chronicles the Sung family’s fight to clear their names.

In late 2009, the Sungs discover fraud at Abacus Federal Savings Bank — which serves the Chinese immigrant community — and fire the loan officer responsible. With the financial crisis underway, they soon find themselves and their small family-owned bank under scrutiny. While the big banks avoid prosecution and pay fines, Abacus faces charges.

WATCH the full film “Abacus: Small Enough to Jail” now.


Some stories are meant to be heard. At FRONTLINE, we have been talking about bringing our journalism to audio for years. For storytellers and audiences alike, audio offers a special intimacy and transparency.
I am pleased to introduce The FRONTLINE...

Some stories are meant to be heard. At FRONTLINE, we have been talking about bringing our journalism to audio for years. For storytellers and audiences alike, audio offers a special intimacy and transparency.

I am pleased to introduce The FRONTLINE Dispatch — a new narrative podcast from FRONTLINE that expands our tradition of tough, fair reporting.



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Three years ago this week, ISIS killed or enslaved thousands of Yazidis.

Aeida was abducted along with her two children near Sinjar Mountain in the summer of 2014. She was among the earliest Yazidi women to escape the terrorist group’s brutal reign.

“I dream of ISIS attacking us and I run away,” she said. “Sometimes I see them arresting me. Some nights, I can’t sleep until the early morning hours because of the nightmares.”

Aeida and other women and children who managed to flee shared their experiences in our 2015 documentary.

Watch “Escaping ISIS


Children describing the sounds bombs make as they fall. Streets covered with rotting garbage. Doctors and nurses who have gone months without pay, at hospitals struggling to care for an influx of cholera patients and malnourished infants.

That’s what FRONTLINE filmmaker Martin Smith and his team witnessed in May when they became the only foreign journalists given permission to enter Yemen, the country that’s home to what the United Nations recently called the “largest humanitarian crisis” in the world.

“People are not seeing what’s going on. We’re talking thousands of civilian dead,” Smith says in Inside Yemen, a 10-minute documentary short released by FRONTLINE.

WATCH “Inside Yemen” NOW


What did health care in America look like before the Affordable Care Act?


In 2009, FRONTLINE investigated the country’s health care system in “Sick Around America.”

WATCH the full film.

(Source:, via frontlinepbs)

What did health care in America look like before the Affordable Care Act?


In 2009, FRONTLINE investigated the country’s health care system in “Sick Around America.”

WATCH the full film.

(Source:, via frontlinepbs)

Greenland’s glaciers are melting faster and faster. And it’s not just warm air melting the ice — @nasa scientists suspect something is happening beneath the water’s surface. Their findings mean current predictions about global sea level rise could actually be conservative.

This 360° video from FRONTLINE, @novapbs, and Emblematic Group takes you to a remote Arctic land most people never get near, to explore what Greenland’s disappearing ice means for the climate and the world.


Greenland’s glaciers are hiding a secret: They’re melting faster than expected. Why? NASA is trying to find out why and what it could mean for the whole world.

Step onto this disappearing icy landscape in the 360° video from FRONTLINE, @novapbs, and Emblematic Group:

