Eoin Higgins, staff writer
In March 2019, the Bering Sea had less ice than in April 2014.
"Continued warmth like this has cascading effects."
Eoin Higgins, staff writer
The 21 plaintiffs in the Juliana case.
"Climate change is the most pressing issue for our generation."
Jake Johnson, staff writer
"This is insane. Not only can they not move, they can't breathe, they can't eat...


Christopher Brauchli
Christopher Brauchli
Laura Flanders
Laura Flanders


Annals of Grifting: Hey, remember the wall? Seems the $1.57 billion scammed to date has built just 1.7 miles of fence, an original cost of $15 billion has soared to $1.85 trillion, another judge called bullshit on stealing money for it, another lawsuit's pending, We Build the Wall cranks - AMERICA FIRST! Not Mexican cartels! - must stop and desist 'cause oops permits, locals hate it, it's an environmental debacle, it's dissolved into a MAGA fever dream, and oh yeah ladders. Too much winning.


Christopher Brauchli
Christopher Brauchli
Laura Flanders
Laura Flanders