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The Nationals Party express concern over new Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party

Lucas BairdReporter

The National Party have recorded their concern over the proposed registration of a new "Conservative National" political party by Senator Fraser Anning, who attended a Victorian rally organised by some of Australia's most prominent neo-nazis at a cost to the taxpayer less than a week ago, in the lead up to the next federal election.

The full name of the party - "Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party" - was revealed via an AEC notification in the Nine's Sydney Morning Herald on Friday and National Party federal director Ben Hindmarsh accused Mr Anning of piggybacking off their success.

"We are concerned when anyone tries to ride on the coat tails of The Nationals hard work and success at getting a fair share for regional Australia by incorporating our name in any proposed new Party," Mr Hindmarsh said in a statement.

Fraser Anning has registered his new "Conservative Nationals" party. Alex Ellinghausen / Fairfax Media

"Voters know this is deception and that's why The Nationals would oppose any trickiness to deceive the electorate in this way."

The naming convention of the new party appears to be borrowed heavily from the same handbook the Liberal Democrats Party used to propel leader David Leyonhjelm into the senate during the 2013 election.


Before then, the party was known as the "Liberty and Democracy Party" and experienced little success but the change in name, which promoted confusion between the Liberal Democrats and the more popular Liberal Party, and fortunate spot at the front of the ballot paper changed their fortunes.

A spokesman for Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party denied there was an intention to confuse voters, despite the notice stating the abbreviation of the party would be "The Conservative Nationals", because the of the National Party's coalition government with the Liberal Party.

"Given the performance of the current National Party leader [NSW MP Micheal McCormack] and his support for the left wing Tunrbull and Morrison liberal governments, it seems highly unlikely that anyone would confuse the national party with a conservative party," the spokesman said.

If the registration is approved, it will be the third political party Mr Anning has been a part of in a little over a year. He rose to prominence in November 2017 when he abandoned Pauline Hanson's One Nation party, the party whose ticket he was elected on, hours after he assumed office courtesy of a constitutional breach from his predecessor Malcolm Roberts.

And then in August 2018, he referenced the Nazi terminology for the Holocaust during his maiden speech to parliament when he called for a "final solution" to immigration.

Mr Anning was a member of Katter's Australian Party when he made the speech and, though Mr Anning denied knowledge of the phrase's origins and said the reference was inadvertent, was booted from the party in October due to his views on immigration.

Mr Anning has most recently been in the news for his attendance of a racist St Kilda beach rally organised by far-right figures Blair Cottrell and Neil Errikson, a trip for which he billed taxpayers over $2,800, where protesters where seen mimicking Nazi salutes.

Lucas Baird is a journalist based in The Australian Financial Review's Sydney office. Connect with Lucas on Twitter. Email Lucas at

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