River Country

Friends of the Earth's River Country has campaigned for 18 years with Indigenous nations along the Murray River to protect over 250,000 ha of Red Gum Forests in new national parks and conservation reserves. Today we support Traditional Owners with their aspirations of caring for country and fight for the mighty Red Gum forests to ensure their survival for generations to come.

river_pic.png      OUR MISSION

To see a flourishing Murray-Darling Basin where Indigenous peoples enjoy sovereign rights to country.


Ensure environmental water is delivered in full and with integrity under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

Stand with communities who oppose developments that risk local Red Gum Forests, lakes and floodplains

Support Traditional Owners in their fight for sovereignty and co-management of their land and water. 

Latest News

The latest announcement by NSW Minister for Regional Water Niall Blair on the lower Darling has been dubbed a political stunt by Menindee locals. This morning, NSW DPI began relocating the remaining fish that have survived the blue green algal blooms and fish kills the Wentworth weir pool and Narrandera Fisheries hatchery.  This announcement comes over a week after the third mass fish kill in the area with locals expecting another in the coming days as temperatures are expected to drop once again. On Tuesday, Murray Cod and thousands of bony bream were seen congregating at weir 32, unable to... Read more

Victoria and New South Wales have released new criteria prioritising economic outcomes for water recovery projects under the Murray Darling Basin Plan We all know the network of rivers in the Basin is invaluable to communities and indigenous culture. The Basin Plan was developed to restore the health of our river ecosystems after a century of over extraction brought them to the brink of collapse. The environment was to come first because we can't survive if we kill the river. The question begs, are water ministers acting to support all life in the Basin? Read more

The Story So Far... River Country has long campaigned for river red gums along the Murray. Our Story in 2018 is one of connecting with grassroots in Victoria and further a field, building momentum and bringing creative flare to the water debate. Read more

Discussions between traditional owners and government stakeholders have left cracks in dry soil.  Last week, River Country facilitated a long awaited discussion between traditional owners, concerned community members and government representatives from Mallee CMA, DELWP and Parks Victoria in Nyah-Vinifera on Wadi Wadi Country. The four-hour long meeting saw tensions arise as took community shared their concerns for park management after changes in the Murray Darling Basin Plan. Read more