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Find all of RNZ’s podcasts

About our podcasts

All RNZ podcasts are free.

Most of our podcasts contain recent audio only. Full audio archives from 2008 onwards are available through RNZ’s programme pages.

To listen to podcasts, you will need podcast subscription software. Popular apps includes Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, RadioPublic, and Spotify.

To subscribe to a podcast from RNZ’s website, click on the programme page for that podcast, then click “Subscribe to Podcast”, where you can follow the link to a subscription page for the podcast or copy the RSS feed for the podcast into your chosen podcast app.

To subscribe to a feed of all of RNZ’s audio, copy and paste this URL into your podcasting software:

Other ways to subscribe

RNZ podcasts are available free in Apple Podcasts.  Listen on Apple Podcasts

Our feeds are also available as Oggcasts. (Oggcasts are a podcast format which provide an alternative to iTunes formatting. They operate exclusively in the Ogg vorbis audio codec and/or other similarly free codecs.)

General conditions of use

These feeds are for personal use only. No audio or text may be posted to a web site, distributed to a third party or broadcast via any means including (but not limited to) radio, television and the internet without the express permission of Radio New Zealand.

All material is copyright Radio New Zealand or used by permission.

The Sampler

You may keep the audio for The Sampler for 7 days only to allow for personal listening and review, after which you must delete all copies of the programme in your possession.