Indie Screenings

Welcome to Indie Screenings

This website allows anyone anywhere to organise their own screening of Spanner Films’s three feature documentaries, The Age of Stupid, McLibel and Drowned Out.

Here’s how it works: first, you enter the details of your proposed event - where it’ll be held, how many people you’re expecting etc - and the software will work out the license fee you need to pay us. Obviously if you’re in India it’s much cheaper than London, and if you’re Shell it’s way more expensive than if you’re Tiverton Climate Kids. Next, you choose either to download a high res version of the film or to get a DVD in the post. Then, you get busy organising and publicising your event - loads of tips here - and you're free to sell tickets for any price you like, keeping the profits for your campaign or your pocket.

We're big believers in the power of a bunch of people sitting together to watch a film, rather than those same people all watching on their own at home. Have a read of some of these emails we’ve received: we reckon about 40 local 10:10 or Transition Town groups have been formed at one of our screenings.

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Indie Screenings was invented by Spanner Films, coded by Torchbox – and launched at the Royal Society of Arts in May 2009. Since then, Stupid has been screened 1587 times, generating more than £110,000 for the filmmakers and their crowd-funders (none to middlemen) and many thousands more for the people who organised the screenings.