Book Launch - Being Left-Wing in Australia: Identity, Culture and Politics after Socialism
Join us for the launch of Geoff Robinson new book: Being Left-Wing in Australia: Identity, Culture and Politics after Socialism. To be launch by Proffessor Stuart Macintryre.
In the last three decades the Australian left has shaped national life. The collapse of the socialist project in the eighties enabled the rebirth of the Australian left as a force of government. The Left of the Labor Party has moved from the fringes to a central position in the party while the Greens have built an electoral basis outside Labor that has far exceeded. Questions of legal liberalism, indigenous rights and sexual identity have become central to Left politics. This new Left has grappled with the remnant past radicalisms, such as revolutionary Marxism and radical feminism, but also new challenges: religious fundamentalism, right-wing populism, the Rudd-Gillard government, the crisis of indigenous ‘self-determination’, Paul Keating’s progressive neoliberalism, a crisis of global capitalism and the rise of the Greens as a challenge to Labor. This new Left has been underpinned by the rise of intellectual celebrities (often from outside the ranks of the traditional left), from Robert Manne and Noel Pearson to Judith Brett and Gillian Triggs, institutional practices such as human rights law and a left-wing way of everyday life from Fitzroy to writers’ festivals and social media. The left’s institutional and cultural strength has been the obverse of its economic and political failures. Being Left-Wing is a study in dreams lost and found.
Geoff Robinson teaches politics at Deakin University and is a regular media commentator on Australian politics.
Entry for this event is free!