Advertising & Marketing is a curated emagazine and events calendar.

Calendar includes Concerts, Exhibitions, Festivals, Lifestyle, Performing Arts, Sports & Outdoors | View Event Types

Event listing content is accepted online with dates, times, venue, description, links and images.

Event Listing Options (Organisers & Agencies)

Complimentary and featured advertising opportunities.

Standard Event Listing [(Complimentary]

Featured Event Listing [(View Rate Card]

Create Event | Standard & Featured

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Know about an event that would interest our readers? Let us know and we'll shoot the organiser a listing invite.

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Advertising FAQ

 Listing FAQ - Frequently asked questions and answers

 Featured Advertising - Listing Rate Card

 Banner Advertising - Top & Sidebar see Google Adwords or Request Rate Card

 Listing Changes - Go to the page you wish to edit and locate a an 'Update' link below the content | How To

 BackLink | HTML code for Text Links and Banners | View Here

Venue Management

AdManager: provides secure event management for venue operators and managers.

Apply here with venue details and your relationship..

Advertiser Login < Registered Users.