This year, we continue to adapt as my family fly to Darwin to observe the end of Ramadan with me while I work.
For black people these stories do not have to be imagined as a dystopian future.
The team are currently ranked sixth in the world, after USA, Germany, England, France and Canada. They are gunning for the top spot.
#KuToo is a play on the Japanese words 'kutsu', meaning shoes, and 'kutsuu', meaning pain.
The company said the “store closure is part of a long journey in our aspiration to create a more inclusive beauty community and workplace..."
21 women have been murdered this year, I don’t want to be quiet anymore. I want to shout in the streets and scream and sob loudly.
“Hopefully one day [I'll] be there representing my country".

Medicine or Myth?

Medicine or Myth? follows everyday Australians as they pitch their diverse and sometimes divisive health remedies to a panel of medical experts, led by Dr Charlie Teo, in the hope of being selected for a real-world trial.


#MedicineorMyth eight-week series starts on Monday 20 May at 8.30 pm on SBS and SBS On Demand.

The experience of period pain is as old as fertility itself. Here’s how women used to treat menstrual cramping before they reached for Dr Google or modern over-the...
Zayt al-baraka, which is essentially black cumin oil, is commonly used for its health benefits in Arabic communities - with some calling it the "oil of abundance"...
It feels strange to see so much of the South Asian foods I grew up with re-appropriated as overpriced hipster 'superfoods'.
Tapping may seem like a far-fetched form of energy healing. But as new SBS series 'Medicine or Myth?' discovers, it might actually be a valid way to relieve your...
Queensland mother of three Michelle Shellshear was fed up with buying deodorants that never alleviated her sweat or body odour. So she made her own.
Nits are one of the most dreaded scourges of parenthood.
Australians pitch their natural remedies to a panel of medical experts for consideration in ‘Medicine or Myth?’.


Your stories. Your words.

Would you like to write for SBS Life? Send us an email at 

This Ramadan hasn't just taught me the importance of mindfulness, but also the value of appreciating food and being conscious with waste.
For many Muslims, Ramadan and Eid can be a time that is bittersweet.
The show refuses to make its lead character a ‘strong, silent sufferer’ -- here's why it's better for it.
Growing up in large American cities taught me so much about adapting to new environments, but none of it prepared me for daily life in regional NSW.
How could something that made me feel so empowered be something that I was ashamed of?


The latest commentary on what's going on in our world. 

The shift is stark when compared with past police responses.
“You’re from Blacktown? So have you gotten stabbed yet?” My classmate asked me this after our first university tutorial together, on the way to Macquarie Station.
It is women of colour and those from poor backgrounds who will suffer the most from draconian US abortion laws.
When you have a Muslim name, you don't just worry about your name being butchered in pronunciation, but having yourself identified in a world that is not always...
Motherhood can be the most powerful and yet the most vulnerable a woman can be.



Beyond studies and research, we examine how our health impacts the rest of our lives.  

Toner was exposed as a largely useless step years ago, so why are we still buying them?
I struggled to accept that mental illness — invisible and elusive — was in the same league as disability.
The power of a slow pace and the benefits of small living helped me find myself outside the chaos of big-city life.
Google searches for 'menstrual cup' are up 800 per cent over the past 10 years.
What if we stopped pressuring ourselves to connect with people?
Being autistic is magical, and miraculous. Autistic people are a gift to our global community.
It was simply the wrong Asian hair and I had to fix it.


Celebrating the diversity of sexuality in Australia and its multicultural communities.

Follow SBS Sexuality on Facebook. 

A portion of proceeds go towards LGBTIQ+ organisations.
I would have sooner believed that unicorns existed than an openly gay Asian-Australian politician who has been working, nay, thriving for years.
My partner’s understanding and acceptance of every aspect of me has helped me to accept myself too.
Cousins can be a source of great strength and also great pain. As much as I expect solidarity from them, I also expect betrayal.
The first time I told my mother that I was bi, she scoffed that I was 'too young' then ignored me.
When it comes to navigating their new identities, my family needs as much patience and support as I did.
“Men like me, transgender men, are not supposed to be visible," Henry Sias says in his campaign video.


Parenting for modern families: new rules for a new age.

Having small children has cured me of artistic perfectionism. If I want perfection, then I will never create anything.
Making Mama’s lentil soup makes me feel warm inside. This validation and nourishing of myself is what truly comforts.
Singer Casey Donovan has "a newfound respect" for herself.
The library gave Dad and me a safe space to exist outside our roles at home. I learnt about Dad’s tastes in films and books. I also learnt he likes to take his...
The right age to start the sex ed conversation is when a child is interested enough to ask.
I can only hope that I have broken the cycle of trauma with my children.
In the last days of her life, in the confines of her bed, Earl Grey tea represented freedom, comfort and feeling almost human.


Let's talk about it all: from love and dating to divorce and estrangement (and everything in between).

How could something that made me feel so empowered be something that I was ashamed of?
Gaslighters excel at manipulation, making it more difficult for victims to get help.
It turns out you don't have to be particularly interesting to have a meaningful conversation.
My new tinder profile will read ‘happily single, seeking same’ with an Arab emoji next to the crescent.
"[My kids] were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to...
My whole life I’d had the impression that an Egyptian husband was their biggest dream for me. Someone who shared our values, language and culture.
As an Egyptian Muslim girl, losing my virginity outside wedlock, to a white, Yorkshire boy who was unsure whether God even existed, was one of the sweetest...

More dispatches from Life
