How to Sell a Massacre - Al Jazeera English var _sf_startpt=(new Date()).getTime()                  window.privDisableCSSInjection = 'true'; window.privLanguage = 'EN';                             (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));                Created with Sketch.             Watch Live                         Live   submit          al jazeera menu      submit   Home NewsMore   AJ Impact Middle East Africa Asia     US & Canada Latin America Europe Asia Pacific All     AJ Impact DocumentariesMore   Featured Documentaries Witness Al Jazeera World 101 East     People & Power Fault Lines Radicalised Youth Al Jazeera Correspondent This is Europe  Al Jazeera Selects  REWIND All     ShowsMore   Inside Story The Stream The Listening Post Talk to Al Jazeera     The Big Picture Head to Head Counting the Cost UpFront earthrise Empire All     Investigations Opinion In Pictures MoreMore   Features Investigations In Pictures Interactive     Interactive Documentaries AJ Shorts Podcasts Reporter's Notebook Human Rights Sport Science & Technology Weather        Trending: GCC Sudan Iran US-Mexico border Philippines         Most Searched

               googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1430377943388-2'); });       .oryx-bg { background-image: url(/web/20190602031533im_/; }   Home Documents Reporters/Producers Contact Us   How to Sell a MassacreAbout HOW TO SELL A MASSACRE     Al Jazeera’s three-year investigation into the US’s gun lobby uncovers how officials from a far-right Australian political party sought millions of dollars in political funding, while offering to soften the Pacific country’s strict anti-gun laws.


 Using hidden cameras, Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit tracked representatives of ‘Pauline Hanson’s One Nation’ as they traveled to Washington DC for meetings with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other lobby groups, including the energy giant, Koch Industries.


 James Ashby, One Nation’s chief of staff, and Steve Dickson, its leader in the Australian state of Queensland, were recorded seeking up to $20m for their election war chest, while promising to loosen legal restrictions placed on firearms after a massacre in Australia in 1996.


 The NRA has often condemned Australia’s gun laws.

    From this project How to sell a massacre Part 1  How to sell a massacre Part 2 In DepthHow to sell a massacre: NRA's playbook revealed  Three-year undercover sting reveals how US' National Rifle Association handles public opinion after deadly gun attacks.

 Exclusive, Australia, United States, Gun violence, Gun control

I went undercover to expose the US, Australia gun lobby Al Jazeera reporter goes undercover in a three-year investigation of the US' powerful gun lobby's strategies to promote firearms ownership.

 Asia Pacific, US & Canada, Australia, United States, Gun control

Australia's One Nation offered 'change to voting system' for cash Far-right party sought up to $20m from pro-gun groups in the United States, undercover Al Jazeera investigation reveals.

 Australia, Asia Pacific, United States, US & Canada, Gun control

In Depth   Australia PM slams One Nation over Port Arthur shooting claims Al Jazeera investigation shows Pauline Hanson suggesting Australia's worst shooting was a conspiracy to change gun laws.

    Australian PM denounces foreign vote meddling after NRA report Scott Morrison says laws were made to 'criminalise taking foreign political donations' to prevent lobbyists' influence.

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