Selected Online Articles

Justice Everyday
  Berlet [From DefCon America, January 6, 2006]
By Chip Berlet

There is tragic irony in the Christian Right’s Justice Sunday extravaganza occurring the week before the national celebration of the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Justice was a theme King returned to time and time again.
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Chip Berlet is Senior Analyst at PRA

Wrong About the Right
  [From The Nation, November 7, 2005]
By Jean Hardisty and Deepak Bhargava

Many progressive donors and organizations say the Left should emulate the tactics that brought the Right to power. Only problem is that many of their ideas of that rise are incomplete and at worst misleading.
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  Jean Hardisty is the Founder and President Emerita of PRA

  EC under attack Emergency Contraception under attack again

Emergency Contraception once again awaits FDA approval. The American Medical Association, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Society for Adolescent Medicine all support nonprescription, over-the-counter status for this drug that is entirely safe for use by women and teens.
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Challenging the Deep Throat Hype! W. Mark Felt
  W. Mark Felt is undoubtedly a nice grandfather, but he was a key FBI bureaucrat during the illegal COINTELPRO operations and later authorized illegal break ins of dissident's homes and political left movement offices.
  Read more on Mark Felt and COINTELPRO  

The Days After Election 2004
  A Message from Political Research Associates November 17th, 2004

The presidential election of 2004 will keep political analysts sorting out its real meaning for some time. Many people have focused on trying to figure out why John Kerry lost. More to the point, from PRA's perspective, is how and why did George W. Bush win? We already have seen many interpretations of the exit polls. Most common is the idea that voting patterns indicate a polarized electorate with a major split over moral issues like gay marriage and abortion. Is the electorate really so neatly divided into Red and Blue states as the mainstream media and the pundits tend to portray it? And are these the real issues that drove the election?
  Read the statement

  • More on the election from PRA

    Condi's Dad and the Lessons of War Condoleeza Rice
      By Chip Berlet - October 27th, 2004

    When I hear Condoleezza Rice defending the war in Iraq I think of her father denouncing the war in Vietnam. Condi's dad was a Dean in the college of liberal arts at the University of Denver in the early 1970s when I was editor of the student newspaper, the Clarion. His name was John Rice, but no student dared call him that. He was an imposing figure, and we all called him "Dean" Rice.
      Read this opinion article  

    Liberal State, Libertarian Policies Liberal State, Libertarian Policies
      By Paul Dunphy and Nikhil Aziz

    A handful of conservative ideologues, closely aligned with a local libertarian think tank, are dominating every aspect of Massachusetts' education policy and pushing an agenda of privatization that is driving up costs even while weakening public oversight. And they are getting away with it largely unquestioned.
      Read this article  
    U.S Foreign Policy and the Political Right
  • Culture, Religion, Apocalypse, and Middle East Foreign Policy by Chip Berlet & Nikhil Aziz
  • Bush, Militarism, and a Just Foreign Policy
  • War Propaganda 09/24/2001-- 04/15/2002: A visual gallery of selected magazine covers from the neoconservative Weekly Standard.
  • U.S. Foreign Policy--Attention, Right Face, Forward March, by Tom Barry and Jim Lobe. Looks at the role of neoconservative intellectuals and groups such as the Project for a New American Century in promoting the new militarism.

  • Leo Strauss
      More on the Neoconservatives  

    Useful information on neonazis in America
  • Overview of White Supremacist, Antisemitic, and Race Hate Groups in the U.S.
  • Studying Hate Crimes

  • Antisemitism and Conspiracism
          Supplement to the New Internationalist Magazine
          September 2004
  • Hard Times on the Hard Right
          From The Public Eye Magazine - Spring 2002

  • Highlights:


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