Credit-Seeking, Ratings-Obsessed

Against the Grain

What happens when financial markets take over, when Uberization replaces traditional employment, and when credit ratings become crucial to the well-being of people and governments? According to Michel Feher, these transformations have affected labor markets, the promises governments make to their citizens, and opportunities and arenas for social struggle. (Encore presentation.) Michel Feher, Rated Agency: …

Upcoming Episode

Against the Grain

Yellow Vest Realities and Reactions

The Yellow Vests have shaken the French political establishment to its core. What are the protesters’ grievances, and how has the uprising been viewed by intellectuals on the left? Gabriel Rockhill describes and assesses the Yellow Vests movement, the Macron regime’s reaction to it, and the French intelligentsia’s opinions of it. Gabriel Rockhill, “The Failure … Continued

Epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson, along with his co-author Karen Pickett, caused a sensation with their work The Spirit Level, which amassed vast amounts of data to illustrate that whether you are poor or well off, social inequality makes us ill, unhappy, and stressed. In the documentary film “Dysfunctional Societies” Wilkinson makes the case that equality is … Continued