
Milo Yiannopoulos Fans Are Pissed His Aussie Tour Got Cancelled, And It’s Extremely Funny

Their tears are delicious.

Milo Yiannopoulos Australian tour cancelled

Fans of Milo Yiannopoulos are having a giant sook after the alt-right twit had his tour of Australia abruptly cancelled. And it is honestly just the best.

Yiannopoulos was set to visit Australia in December with fellow conservative personality Ann Coulter. But ticket holders were informed on Monday by promoter AE Media that the tour had been cancelled “due to unforeseen circumstances”.

Better yet, rather than giving fans a refund, AE Media has instead offered them tickets to see Gavin McInnes, founder of the far-right men’s group The Proud Boys.

Yiannopoulos was himself apparently blindsided by the announcement, and on Wednesday wrote on social media that he would be visiting Australia in 2019 with “a more established promoter”.

From where I’m sitting, it doesn’t really seem like a big deal. I mean, they’ve basically just substituted one dickhead for another. But Milo fans apparently don’t see it that way, based on the giant tantrums they adult baby nappie boys are throwing in the comments of his Instagram.


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Yesterday, I woke up to the news that my Australian tour with Ann had been cancelled and the promoter was “transferring” tickets to another series of events. This is illegal. If you’re a ticket holder and want a refund, they are obliged to give you one and I will make sure that happens. (Of course, if you do want to attend the other tour—go ahead! Two great speakers.) I’m working with lawyers now to make sure the promoters fulfill their obligations to you. And I will be touring in Australia in 2019 instead, with a more established promoter. I’m committed to you, Aussies, which is why I’m writing a book about your great country, which will be out before Christmas. I’ll keep you posted on any developments both on social media and via the email you register with—we managed to get the email addresses of all ticket-holders before the tour site went offline. Thanks for your patience. I’ll make sure no one is left out of pocket. And I’ll see you soon. 🇦🇺

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“Fix this shit please,” wrote one commenter. “It’s like paying for a mystery flight and landing in fucking Kalgoorlie.”

There were also suggestions that Yiannopoulos should “sue their assies” as well as speculation that the promoters must be “soy drinkers” — which, as we all know, is the absolute worst thing a person can be.

The kicker is that these idiots might not get to see McInnes perform either, with Labor calling on the government to deny him a Visa on the grounds that (and I’m paraphrasing here) he’s a bit of a shit.

There’s also a change.org petition to keep McInnes out of the country, which has garnered more than 46,000 signatures.

But the important thing is that Milo fans are sad, and that’s never a bad thing.