Showing posts with label IRELAND. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IRELAND. Show all posts

Jobbykrust/Blurred Vision-split 7" (Grinding Madness,Castafiore Vox,1994)

This is a forgotten and hard to find gem and brigs two obscure acts of Irish scene: Jobbykrust and Blurred Vision share this shit titled A Small Piece Of War/Songs About Shit Things split 7'' which was released in 1994 by Grinding Madness and Castafiore Vox.
First off i need to say that this rip is not mine, i found it on the web and since its about a rare shit and blah blah and blah again here it is for you, many thanks to the guy who ripped and uploaded it.
I don't know anyshit about Blurred Vision (split's inside cover says that they called it day in 1993) but here are some things about Jobbykrust: There is a connection with Dagda, they recorded two demo tapes back in 1992 (Naivity or Hope and We Starve the Starving) and some of these tracks appeared in the split lp w Wisigoth from Canada in 2000(released by Funai Records), apart from the split w Blurred Vision they had split releases with Viktors Hofnarren from France (1996) and Blofeld from Germany (1997) and 'The descent of man" lp (1997, Funai). You can download their entire discography from Peace Not Profit, (but lyrics, playlist and band's history pdf links seem to have a problem)
Blurred Vision bring two tracks (plus one intro) of screamed emotional slow/mid-paced hardcore while Jobbykrust contribute four songs with "the unrelenting mucous flow of Pink Turds in Space, the common sense politics of Disaffect and Sedition, the fugitive taxonomy of Scatha, the tasteful, delicate flourishes of The Dagda". Marc of Fugitive Equilibrium wrote this and describes perfectly the whole shit, btw Marc posted the Jobbykrust/Viktors Hofnarren split lp some time ago. And as for the labels, Grinding Madness stands behind some grindcore releases (Agathocles, Cripple Bastards etc (check here), Dis is Getting Pathetic of Active Minds and was among the labels involved in The Lunatics have taken over the asylum flexi 7".
Here ends the little rant, please write some lines if you know anything about Blurred Vision, thanks again to the unknown ripper!

Dagda-Blind kings 7"

This is how the story goes:Winter of 2004 and Dagda were on tour visiting a city near my hometown,it was the second time coming here, it was (my last) chance to see them,about a year later these Belfast crusties were history, the first time they played here i was busy and i couldn't get there. So i traveled 300 miles and got there a few hours before the gig starts, i met some old friends,we went to this bar and started drinking more and more telling stories about the old days, i got drunk as fuck and i came late to the squat expecting to have already missed a part of Dagda's performance. But luck was on my side, the live had started later than the usual time and some local crusties were one stage playing their last song tearing the place down. I ve been lucky at all, i got another drink and after a while Dagda got on the stage and set the place on fire: Great band, awesome musicians and very nice people. great performance and the crowd went crazy, the vocalist left the stage two or three times and danced among the crowd who carried him on their hands, after an hour of mayhem they finished their show but the audience was still hungry for their crust so they came back for the encore...
One of thegreatest bands i have ever seen,one of the best gigs i have ever been..

Dagda was the supreme god in Celtic mythology and literally translates into the “good god”. "Blind kings" was one of the first posts, back in spring '07,(old link is deleted, the Div incident), here it is again with full scans. Iit was released in 2000 on Funai Records, it long out of print, if you are lucky enough you will find a dusty copy hidden in a distro. Dagda's members were previously in My Name Is Satan, Pink Turds in Space, Jobbykrust, and Bleeding Rectum.
1. Blind kings
2. Children Mary
3. Inheritance of the rats
4. Helix


Scatha/Dagda-split 7"

There is one bad thing here: There is only one track for each band! Wish there were more tracks!
This is an excellent 7" released by a co-operation of three labels:Panoptic Vision, Anonymous Records and Crime Scene. Scatha were from
Aberdeenshire, Scotland and included former members of Sedition, Dissafect and Stretcheads, their discography is "Respect, Protect, Reconnect"(1995) and 'Birth Life and Death,(1997) lp's and Fuck the System 7" in 1996, there are also the posthumous 'Before the last settles' with demo and rehearsal recordings and "After the Dust Settles" discography cd on MCR Company
Dagda were from North Ireland and included former members of My Name Is Satan, Pink Turds in Space, Jobbykrust, and Bleeding Rectum. Blind Kings 7" and Threefold (2003) and An Endless Betrayal (2004) lp's are their complete discography.
Scatha deliver a dark and gloomy heavy midpaced crust track with gruff vocals while Dagda offer a modern crust song in the vein of His Hero is Gone. The record come in a threefold folder and the cover artwork is based on Celtic mythology, actually both band names are connected with mythology: Dagda was a god of earth and treaties in Irish mythology (see more here) and Scatha was another Celtic goddess (more here)
Scatha :
01:And so i rise