
2017-10-17 – New blog: “Why anarchist collectives need to build, not grow.”

David K talks about how anarchists must look for skilled members to add, and to skill existing members, rather than accept all comers.

Read “Why anarchist collectives need to build, not grow.”


2017-08-20 – Three new pamphlets on Rojava, plus reportbacks from Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair.

For this year’s Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair, Bastard Press (our printing arm) printed up three brand new pamphlets on anarchism in Rojava. They sold out! The three new pamphlets are now uploaded to the Archive, our first new additions in quite a while:

Bastard member David K facilitated a panel and discussion group titled Anarchist Perspectives on Rojava.  The panel was well attended, and overran the timeslot, so continued as informal discussion outdoors for another hour. Thanks to everyone who attended, our panelists and the local Kurdish community for their contributions.

The bookfair was a drama-free success – and thanks to everyone who dropped by and had chats and discussions.


Bastard Collective.


2017-07-31 – Nothing is finished, everything decays.

A great way of dealing with nothing ever being finished is to declare it a permanent work-in-progress. So that’s the approach we’re taking here at the Bastard Archive.

Over the last couple of years we’ve been dealing with away-from-the-project stuff as well as dealing with invisible tasks like cataloging and storage. That left the Archive site a little unattended.

The number and scope of online anarchist projects has changed since we started this site, too, and with so many sites archiving anarchist texts and publishing new work such an archive can sometimes an exercise in redundancy.

So we’re shifting the focus of additions to just work published by Bastard Press, adding work with an Australian context, as well as things we’ve found that don’t seem to be anywhere else, and outsourcing our multimedia to third-party hosting services to reduce our bandwidth. With an irregular update schedule, an index of works sorted by author name makes a little more sense than a reverse chronological blog format, so we’re taking that approach, too

We’re also adding a blog for shorter theses, working hypotheses, and non-academic writing by collective members. And linking our twitter feed, because that’s cool nowadays.

So Bastard Archive is back in action, if somewhat irregular, ever unfinished, and in perpetual development. It’s like a metaphor for revolution, or something.


Bastard Collective.