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 This book reveals Australia’s radical past through more than 500 tales of Indigenous resistance, convict revolts and escapes, picket line hijinks, student occupations, creative direct action, street art, media pranks, urban interventions, squatting, blockades, banner drops, guerilla theatre, and billboard liberation. Twelve key Australian activists and pranksters are interviewed regarding their opposition to racism, nuclear power, war, economic exploitation, and religious conservatism via humor and creativity. Featuring more than 300 spectacular images How to Make Trouble and Influence People is an inspiring, and at times hilarious, record of resistance that will appeal to readers everywhere.




 Praise for the book:

 “I noticed clear back on my first visit in ’83 that radical Aussies fighting back seem to be far more tenacious and creative than most Americans—Roxby Downs, that damned Franklin dam in Tasmania, Operation Titstorm, etc. A far better way to heat up the planet than your lovely mining companies. So keep up the good work! A prank a day keeps the dog leash away.” —Jello Biafra

 “A fascinating recovery of Australia’s neglected past and a worthy inspiration to today’s would-be troublemakers.” —Sean Scalmer, author of Dissent Events: Protest, The Media and the Political Gimmick in Australia

 “The perfect book for enlightened coffee tables.” —Rachel Evans, Green Left Weekly

 “If you’ve ever thought of speaking out about an issue or have idly wondered what you could do to make the world a better place, this is the book for you! Fascinating interviews, quirky historical snippets and stunning photos chronicling all the Australians who have made a difference and who have done so with courage, audacity and a lot of humour! Keep it on your desk at work for all those moments when you need some inspiration, a bit of hope or just a good laugh.” —Jill Sparrow, co-author Radical Melbourne 1 & 2

 “Fascinating interviews with Australia’s best troublemakers make for a riotous scrapbook covering our radical history of revolts and resistance.” —Rachel Power, Australian Education Union News

 “McIntyre has amassed hundreds of tales alongside dramatic photographs in what is unashamedly a songbook for Australia’s future culture-jammers and mischief makers.” —Katherine Wilson, The Age


 About the Contributors:

 Iain McIntyre is a Melbourne-based author, musician, and community radio broadcaster who has written a variety of books on activism, history, and music. Recent publications include Wild About You: The Sixties Beat Explosion in Australia and New Zealand, and Tomorrow Is Today: Australia in the Psychedelic Era, 1966–70.

 Breakdown Press is a small, radical publisher based in Melbourne, Australia, co-founded by poet, researcher and community organiser Lou Smith and street artist, printmaker and activist graphic designer Tom Sevil (aka Civil). Tom and Lou both have a longstanding involvement within the zine, DIY, street art, and alternative media communities in Australia. Breakdown Press have been producing posters, zines and anthologies since 2004 and first published How to Make Trouble and Influence People: Pranks, Hoaxes, Graffiti & Political Mischief-Making from across Australia in 2009. To date publications include: Scrapbook to Somewhere, The Stolenwealth Posters, The Breakdown Posters, The Nuclear Posters, The Peace Posters, Civilian Sticker Packs, Civilians Unite, the poetry chapbook Mining, zine anthology YOU: some letters from the first five years and Market Crossings: Plotting a Course through the Preston Market. We believe in producing ethically printed and affordable publications, with the hope, through bringing together artists, thinkers and writers, to build friendships and solidarity with different communities both locally and internationally. And, to tell stories that too often remain untold.

 Andrew Hansen is a Sydney based comedian and musician, best known for being a member of satirical team The Chaser who have produced six award winning television series for Australian television.

 Josh MacPhee  is a designer, artist, activist, and archivist. He is a member of both the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative ( and the Occuprint collective ( He is the coauthor of Signs of Change: Social Movement Cultures 1960s to Now, coeditor of Signal: A Journal of International Political Graphics & Culture, and he recently cofounded the Interference Archive, a public collection of cultural materials produced by social movements (

 Product Details:

 Author and Editor: Iain McIntyre Forewords by Andrew Hansen and Josh MacPhee Book Design and Photo Editor: Tom Sevil (aka Civil) Editor and Additional Research: Lou Smith

 Publisher: PM Press and Breakdown Press ISBN: 978-1-60486-595-0 Published September 2013 Format: Paperback Size: 8.25 by 8.25 Inches Page count: 320 Pages Subjects: Politics–Activism/History–Australia

     Post navigation  Previous PostBROKEN BUT BEAUTIFUL …Next PostMelbourne Launch, Friday 18th October       Media Excerpts for ‘How to Make Trouble and Influence People’ “An impassioned McIntyre gets down and dirty in an insiders account of activist pranks … McIntyre has amassed hundreds of tales alongside dramatic photographs in what is unashamedly a songbook for Australia’s future culture-jammers and mischief makers.” Katherine Wilson, The Age.

 “An absolutely fantastic book with a sensational cover image…” Alan Brough, ABC 774 Melbourne interview

 “A great chunk of our social history.” Louise Maher, ABC 666 Canberra Drive

 “An exquisite production with beautifully reproduced posters and photos … a compilation of stories and images from various troublemakers and ratbags throughout Australian history. Even if you’re a person who doesn’t like history per se I think you’ll find this book hard to resist.” Jeff Sparrow (Overland editor), RRR Melbourne

 “Fantastic, fun, entertaining and very enlightening…” Lou Swinn, RRR website review

 “Fascinating interviews with Australia’s best troublemakers, including John Safran and The Chasers, and pics galore, make for a riotous scrapbook covering our radical history of revolts and resistance.” Rachel Power, AEU (Australian Education Union) News AEU News summer reading article

 “The perfect book for enlightened coffee tables.” Rachel Evans, Green Left Weekly

    the imagination, never domination  Say hello [email protected]/* */

 PO BOX 1283 CARLTON Melbourne VIC Australia 3053

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