Monthly Archives: January 2013

Physical Resistance Book Launch: A Big Success!

We were down in Brighton for the launch of Dave Hann’s book Physical Resistance: 100 Years of Anti-Fascism (Zero Press) last Friday which was an incredible and inspiring night. The place was packed out by 100s of anti-fascists from Brighton and … Continue reading

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New Book On Anti-Fascism!

Physical Resistance – A Hundred Years of Anti-Fascism by Dave Hann.  An activists history of the collective anti-fascist struggle in Britain.  This book is an essential read and gives a history of anti-fascist activity in the UK. By one of the … Continue reading

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Tommy Guilty!

Tommy Robinson: ‘Oh no! I’ve been a right muggy mushroom!’  Tommy Robinson alias Steven Yaxley Mainwaring alias Paul McMasters alias Paul Harris has been jailed for 10 months today over using a false passport to enter the USA. He was … Continue reading

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