Australian Unions - Questions at Work

Questions at Work

Erinna asks: I’ve been a casual here for nearly 3 years. Last year I asked my manager if I could be made permanent  They said they’d think about it but although I’ve asked a couple of times since I haven’t heard anything back. I don’t understand why not as I work pretty much the same shifts every week. It’s really...
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R asks: There was a thing on the noticeboard at work from the owner saying that those of us who worked last Saturday night would have our pay docked as a tray of glasses was dropped when someone slipped loading the glass washer and everything got broken. The notice said that to be fair they would divide the cost of...
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Francesca asks: One of my finds sliced open his hand at work over the weekend. He said the guard on the slicer was  half falling off. This made me think as I work in a restaurant kitchen which I know can be a bit dangerous sometimes; how can we make sure our workplace is safe?
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 Sanjeev asks: I finished year 12 last year and I’m starting to look for a job. My brother told me I need to clean up my Facebook before I start looking. Is he right?
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Daniel asks: What’s the go with work functions? There were drinks last week for one of the people who were retiring. My boss was there and most of the staff.  I got a bit trashed and started making comments to one of the women I work with in front of everyone. I was being funny and I was just having...
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Wassim asks: I'm going to start an apprenticeship to be a mechanic next month. I'm worried because I can’t afford to take time off from work to go to TAFE. My sister says I should be paid when I go to TAFE. Is she right?  
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Warren asks: I’ve been called in for a meeting tomorrow morning.  They say it’s because I haven’t followed safety procedures at work as I wasn’t wearing my goggles. I just forgot. He’s being pretty heavy handed I reckon as I only would've‘ needed them on for about 5 minutes anyway. What can I do?
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K asks: I have been here for two months and no one talks to me. There are 6 of us in the office and I try to be friendly but unless they have to, no one says anything to me. It would be ok but they all talk to each other so it’s really obvious they’re ignoring me. I haven’t...
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Jak ask: I’ve just started my first job. My Mum told me to make sure I join the union so when I handed in my paperwork I asked who I should join and the payroll man said they didn’t have a union as the boss made sure they looked after us properly so we didn’t need one. It seems pretty...
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