Your Rights factsheets - ACTU Australian Unions

Your Rights factsheets


If you need help at work contact the Australian Unions Hotline on 1300 486 466 for free, confidential, advice and assistance.

Read our factsheets on all your rights, entitlements and conditions at work.

Working on a public holiday, what you need to know

Fair Work Act

Types of leave and public holiday entitlements

Unsafe work and bullying

Minimum wages

Casual workers

Unfair dismissal, discrimination and redundancy

Change The Rules Factsheets




Industrial action

Wage theft

Dispute resolution

Enterprise bargaining

Penalty rates

Insecure work

Minimum wage

Modern workplaces

To find out the specific conditions and entitlements applicable to you in your job contact your union or call the Australian Unions workers’ helpline on 1300 362 223.