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The Last Chance Rock & Roll Bar, or more precisely their promoter banned our show last year because they were too weak to stand up to the real fascists in everything other than name - Antifa. The other day, they posted a rant about supporting the local live scene. The question begs itself, but OK. We are not into placing people beyond redemption and have a constructive suggestion to make this go well for everyone.

Since this ban, we have been banned by 2 other venues and prom...oted by one other, who told Antifa to fuck off. You won't read about that one on *certain* blogs because they didn't "win" that one.

I won't publicise their names just yet, however I invite bands and punters to PM me to find out which Australian venues support censorship and which do not.

As for The Last Chance, we made them an offer. If you follow that link you'll see it as well as some mild drama (at the time of writing). I encourage people to contact the venue constructively with suggestions as to how they can improve their business. For my part, I'd like to just point out that banning underground bands isn't the way to do it.

To summarise, we are against censorship and we don't care about people's politics. Our music is dark and that has no party line. We'll play anywhere and with anyone, provided they are not idiots and we can afford the airfares.

Hails Satan!

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Bild könnte enthalten: 1 Person, lächelnd, Bart, Hut und Nahaufnahme
The Last Chance Rock & Roll Bar

Hello people,
Shane & Leanne from the Last Chance.
As some of you may know, a lot of small live music venues in Melbourne (and everywhere else) are doing it pre...tty tough at the moment.
The Last Chance is one of those venues.
We’re unashamedly pro-active about letting people know that in order to keep the doors open we need your support.
And by support we mean your patronage.
Unfortunately, over the last 12 months attendance at a lot of live music venues has dropped like the beat at some of our more DJ-friendly competition.
It’s an honest battle to get people through the door no matter how much we try.
The two of us have decided to sit down and come up with a few things you can do that would help the Last Chance get through these tough times.
These are also things that can pretty much be applied to any other small live music venue so feel free to use it at others as well.

1. Come to a gig. We know it sounds really stupid but it really is that simple. Most gigs are $10 or under. Even if you don’t know the band it’s worth coming along... you never know what you might find. Not only are you supporting us but you’re supporting local bands! It’s a win/win!
2. Drag a friend or friends along. Especially, if they’re not regular gig goers. We know that the music scene can be a little bit daunting to the outside world. We dress odd. We talk about odd things. We’re all pretty much just a little odd. The thing is that we’re all super nice friendly people who are so very welcoming to everyone. What we need to do is turn more people in to regular fanatics of live music. Strength in numbers. Drag your mates along! It’s good for everyone.
3. Come to the free ones! I think on average we do a minimum of 3 free gigs every week. Cheap as.
4. After work drinks! Unfortunately, the Last Chance (despite our awesome location kind of centrally located in the middle of nowhere) only has a small handful of regular locals. They’re the most awesome people. But if you’re in the CBD or catching up with people feel free to come here. The staff are lovely, the music is on point and you will always be welcome.
5. Our food. Just come for a meal! We cater to everyone. Vegan. Vegetarian. Meat. We’ve got something that will tickle your fancy!
6. Our weekly food specials. Whether it’s the $10 burgers we do every Friday lunch or the Tuesdays which can have anything from Spag Bol to $10 Parmas. It’s a cheap way to catch up with people and support us at the same time.
7. Come to the late nights… Out late? Finished at another gig but want to do something else? On Friday and Saturday nights we’re open until 7am. We’ve got Fried Chicken (Vegan, Vegetarian or Meat) until 3am. DJ’s all night. The pool table. Awesome punters. And you can dance! Do it right and you can go across the road and get jam donuts on your way home…
8. Get involved… how do you get involved at a venue. Easy. Take a minute to share some of our love on social media. Tag a friend in something, share a post, anything really. That’s just not us. If you’re going to a gig! Give it some love! It really helps out the bands and ultimately us!
9. Come in and get to know us. We’re a friendly bunch.
10. Keep supporting live music! It really is that simple. If you choose to take your entertainment to a small live music venue it means that we can continue to support local bands. We know it sounds ridiculously simple mainly because it really is that simple.

Ultimately, we want this place to still be here in 10 years, still having awesome local bands, still supporting the local live music community, still being what this place is meant to be.
And we want to be the ones here welcoming you through the doors.
We love local live music, we love our venue and we would do anything for both.
The one thing we don’t want to do however is ruin the rest of our lives just running a venue.
Our entire life is invested within the walls of this little dive bar.
So please, if you can, come along and support us or any other small live music venue.
Because ultimately, once they’re gone they won’t be coming back.
Many thanks and much love
Shane & Leanne
PS: If you’re in a really huge band that would sell out in ten minutes and your crowd would sink heaps of piss… Yep, handy as! Come play! Haha!

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Some more photos from RTB last Friday.

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