Solidarity week for anarchist prisoners in Helsinki

On August 25, 2018, in the frame of the 6th international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, anarchists held several support events in Helsinki.

At the multicultural festival “Puhos loves people”, a group of anti-fascists from the collective “Comrade's Network” organized the table with vegan pancakes, T-shirts and bags for the collection of funds needed to pay lawyers for the anti-fascist “Network” case, the organization of parcels for other political prisoners anarchists. As a result of sales, we collected several hundred euros.

In the evening of the same day, a meeting of the Anarchist Black Cross of Helsinki was held in the Kirkuk cafe at the Puhos festival. A film screening of video materials on the “Network” case was organized, we told in detail about the essence of the case, about the tortures of arrested anarchists, about repressions against the anarchist movement in the Russian Federation. After that, a collective writing of letters and postcards for anarchists prisoners was organized. About ten people wrote letters and postcards and by this supported the arrested and convicted comrades.



Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki

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