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Festival program published: Father Frost against Putin 2019 to take place in January

Дед мороз против Путина

Next year, 2019, the Father Frost against Putin-festival will once again take place in Helsinki.  From the 5th to the 6th of January you can join discussions about the state of affairs in Russia and the x-USSR region, and get a chance to meet various social and political activists without the fear of police or special service operations. (fear of infringement from the side of police and special services). 

The difficult political and economic situation, compounded by a new wave of repressions and authoritarianism in Russia and the region provide ample topics for discussion.  The social protests taking place in a generally difficult geopolitical environment in Europe, the ”Network” frameup against Russian anti-fascists and events related to it, are just a small selection of the topics up for discussion.

In this increasingly turbulent context we want to work out and form a common position in regards to these events, and figure out what to do in relation to the Putin regime, and other islands of authoritarianism in the x-USSR. 

The festival program will be distributed openly, and will consist of two parts – presentations and a party. The event is open, and organised in a country where police harrassment is unlikely. 

Festival program has been published: 

Festival will take place in two different places – Happi and Ulrika.

Address of Happi is Sörnäisten rantatie 31.

Happi is not far from metro station Sörnäinen.

Program will be in Happi on Saturday from 11:30 AM to 6 PM, after which we will move to Ulrika, address Leppäsuonkatu 11. It is in basement of Domus Gaudium, 3rd student house, and close to metro station Kamppi. On Sunday, all program will be in Ulrika. .

If you are interested in taking part in the festival and you need place to sleep, please fill out the form below and send it to . Registration is required only for those, who need help with sleeping places. Deadline to send your form – January 4 2019.

Event in VK

Event in Fb


  • Name / Nickname:
  • City / Region / Country:
  • Email:
  • Phone:
  • Dates of stay (from when to when):
  • How did you find out about the event:
  • Who can give a recommendation/vouch for you:
  • Diet, allergies or anything else we need to know (food at the event will be vegan):
  • Suggestions for discussions, workshops or inputs that you could offer:
  • How much time would you need for your workshop/input and what technical equipment:
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