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They’ve tackled stories on immigration, labor organizing, and prisoner rights, and obtained documents on police surveillance, military corruption, and retaliation against protesters.

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Featured Reporting

The Dissenter

Chelsea Manning. Photo by joltcan on Flickr.
31 May 2019

Chelsea Manning’s Legal Team Challenge Harsh Fines Levied Against Her By Federal Court

Chelsea Manning requested a hearing to challenge the harsh fines levied to force her to testify before the grand jury investigating WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange is expelled from the Ecuadorian Embassy and arrested by British police. Screenshot of Ruptly coverage.
31 May 2019

UN Special Rapporteur On Torture: ‘The Collective Persecution Of Julian Assange Must End Here And Now’

In a blistering statement against democratic countries collaborating to prosecute and enable the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture condemned the “collective persecution” against him. “In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence, and political persecution, I have never seen a

29 May 2019

Unraveling The Justice Department’s Conspiracy Theory Against Julian Assange

Espionage Act charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange revealed the Justice Department is relying on a theory of the case, which was concocted and partly tested during Chelsea Manning’s military trial. The theory adopts the CIA’s viewpoint, which is that WikiLeaks is a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” and suggests Assange

28 May 2019

Contracts Reveal For First Time How DEA Exercises Control Over Television, Film Productions

Nearly 200 pages of contracts from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) show reveal how agency exercises creative control over TV and film productions.


Prison Protest

San Quentin lethal injection room. Photo by CACorrections (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) -, Public Domain,
15 May 2019

Justice Department: If FDA Regulated Execution Drugs, They Would Ban Them

The Justice Department drafted an opinion arguing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may not ban or regulate drugs used to execute prisoners.

07 May 2019

Beyond Prisons: Abolition Is A Horizon feat. Sarah K. Tyson

Sarah K. Tyson joins the Beyond Prisons podcast for a conversation about her work as a philosopher, anti-violence advocate, and prison educator.

02 May 2019

Beyond Prisons: Voting Rights feat. Maya Schenwar

Maya Schenwar returns to Beyond Prisons to discuss voting rights, the current political landscape, and her forthcoming book.

Bernie Sanders speaks on prisoner voting rights at a CNN Town Hall. Screenshot via CNN on Youtube.
27 Apr 2019

The Shameful Moralizing On Prisoner Voting Rights

Bernie Sanders’ 2020 opponents jumped at the opportunity to give a question on prisoner voting rights the answer it demanded in a shameful display of moralizing.

"Not Enough Sage." Credit: Dr. Kimberly Robertson
19 Apr 2019

Beyond Prisons: Native Feminisms feat. Dr. Kimberly Robertson

Kim Wilson interviews Dr. Kimberly Robertson on her work on Native feminisms and practices, making art to generate knowledge, and more.

Credit: Erica Caines / Liberation Through Reading
11 Apr 2019

Beyond Prisons: Message From Liberation Through Reading

A message from Liberation Through Reading about an upcoming event in Philadelphia on April 13th from 12PM-4PM, gifting Black children with free Black books.


The Bullpen

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. (Photo: AFGE on Flickr)
15 Apr 2019

How Bernie Sanders’ Position On Filibuster Is Needlessly Complicated

Jon Walker describes how Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ stance on filibuster reform is needlessly complicated.

18 Dec 2018

How We Define ‘Cheapest Health Care’ Radically Shapes Policy Discussions

How “cheapest” is defined in the context of health care has radically shaped health care policy in the past and will shape it in the future.

Photo by Pictures Of Money on Flickr.
10 Dec 2018

Best Option For Funding Medicare For All May Be Employer Mandate

Voters have a clear preference for how to fund Medicare for All: requiring employers to purchase Medicare (or equivalent) coverage for their employees.

04 Dec 2018

The Biggest Moments Of 2018 In The Fight For Universal Health Care

Jonathan Michels and Will Cox look back at some of bright spots and darker developments in the struggle for universal health care that occurred in 2018.

Photo by majunznk on Flickr.
13 Nov 2018

What Can Be Learned From Democrat And Republican Delusions On Obamacare

After a decade of intense political fighting and two of the largest wave elections in history, the US finally has a quasi-stable political equilibrium on the Affordable Care Act.

29 Oct 2018

Democrats’ Attempt To Trick Progressives When Drafting Obamacare May Help Trump Ruin Law

Known as “state innovation waiver,” Trump is seizing upon provision in Obamacare, which Democrats added to dupe progressives into voting for the ACA.



04 Dec 2018

Iraqis Remember George H.W. Bush: A Gentleman When It Came To Bombing Us

Several Iraqis bombed during the Persian Gulf War expressed their condolences and paid tribute to former President George H.W. Bush.

09 Oct 2018

George Soros Hired Me As A Paid Protester, But I’m Still Waiting For My Money

Emiliano Goodman once again demands George Soros pay him for professional anarchist services. He also has new inside information on Democrats’ sugar daddy.

04 Jul 2018

Don’t Let Trump Be The Only One Seen Hugging An American Flag This Fourth Of July

We cannot let people think only President Donald Trump bear hugs Old Glory in public. Sensible Americans can show their love for America on 4th of July too.

Deputy CIA Director Gina Haspel. Photo via CIA.
16 May 2018

An Open Letter To Those Who Believe Torture Accountability Should Start With First Woman Nominee For CIA Director

Can you think of any men who were held accountable for CIA torture? No, you cannot. That is why deputy CIA director Gina Haspel should be their next director.

23 Nov 2017

President Donald Trump Allegedly Groped A Thanksgiving Turkey

President Donald Trump hoisted the Thanksgiving turkey into the air, and said, “Is this a woman turkey?” And added, “Women turkeys are very special.”

23 Nov 2017

Man Still On Hold Waiting For Liberal Hotline To Tell Him What To Say About Trump During Thanksgiving Dinner

Not wanting to let the moment pass, a man is still waiting for a liberal hotline to give him talking points on Trump that he can repeat to family.

