NewsBusted: The Sports Blogger Files

One recent NewsBusters sports blogger hid behind a "pen name," while the current one has no media presence outside the blog so that may be a fake-name writer too. Not that the content differs all that much.

Related: NewsBusted: The Gwinn FileThe MRC vs. A Football Player

Out There, Exhibit 72: CNS Obsesses Over Peter Strzok's Sex Life doesn't want you to forget that the ex-FBI agent involved in Trump and Clinton investigations had an affair. But President Trump's extracurricular sex life and paying hush money to a porn star? CNS had trouble even saying her name.

CNS' Favorite Loopy Rabbi

Meet columnist Aryeh Spero, whose mendacious hatred of President Obama is surpassed only by his slobbering love for President Trump.

At CNS, Stenography Marches On writers continue to refuse to fact-check President Trump and administration officials when they get things wrong -- it just reprints those false statements without comment.

Vaccine Misinformers Get A WND Platform

The fringe-right Association of American Physicians and Surgeons knows it can count on WorldNetDaily to let it peddle anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories unchallenged.

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