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Defending Free Speech Online · Tweets by
Advox 6 mag
Ugandan regulators order 13 media outlets to suspend staff over coverage of opposition figure
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Advox 4 mag
Too big to be anonymous? Russian journalists unmask a famous anti-Kremlin blogger, sparking ethical debate
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Advox 3 mag
Why is Twitter blocking state accounts in Venezuela?
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Advox 2 mag
Venezuela's political crisis is intensifying and censorship is on the rise
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Advox 1 mag
‘Envision a new war': the Syrian Archive, corporate censorship and the struggle to preserve public history online
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Advox 30 apr
Jailed Emirati activist Ahmed Mansoor's life is at risk, after six weeks on hunger strike
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Advox 26 apr
Netizen Report: Saudi Arabian authorities arrest three bloggers and execute 37 prisoners, several of them protesters
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Advox 26 apr
Tanzanian authorities detain and deport Ugandan human rights leader
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Advox 23 apr
Leica's promo video referencing Tiananmen Square massacre went viral on Chinese social media. Then, it disappeared.
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Advox 23 apr
India bans China's TikTok for “degrading culture and encouraging pornography”
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Advox 23 apr
Government actions in Sri Lanka Easter bombings raise the question: Is social media helping or hurting?
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Advox 21 apr
Netizen Report: If protecting your privacy is ‘part of a conspiracy,’ then we’re all in big trouble
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Advox 15 apr
Jailed UAE activist Ahmed Mansoor continues hunger strike
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Advox 12 apr
Free by day, jailed by night: Egyptian activists speak out against conditional release
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Advox 10 apr
Censored on WeChat: How a fatal bus accident in Chongqing symbolized China's ‘left turn’
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Advox 10 apr
Rumors of Russia's first ‘fake news’ case against a media outlet might just be fake news
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Advox 10 apr
Censored on WeChat: Revelations of toxic ingredients in Hongmao medicinal liquor
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Advox 8 apr
Morocco’s Hirak movement has gone quiet, but the crackdown on independent media continues
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Advox 5 apr
Netizen Report: As water levels rise, Iran’s ban on messaging apps is slowing emergency relief for flood victims
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Advox 4 apr
Animated film explains how Myanmar's Telecommunications Law undermines free speech
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